anything that is decently priced will make me happy. actually kind of holding out for LONG SHOT an adventure bike something like a ULY but im sure thats gonna be later.
im right there with you, although I don't think id get rid of my uly, I still have the fantasy of it someday being worth something and I love the old bitch. I'd have to wait for the new bikes to come up used before I could afford them anyway.
Don't think so. [confused] The RX was always the next in line as far as I knew. They may preview (but not release) the SX and/or AX models but I have no idea...
Nice. I don't care for the really long exhaust, but it's a good looking bike. I will say it's looking more and more like "all the other bikes" as time goes on...
I'm curious as to who the bikes further in the background belong to as well. There looks to be another EBR to the top left (can see the front wheel and fairing).
Back on subject, the RX being yellow is looking very Barracuda 2-esque.