exhaust idea? what do you think?

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2012
so i was thinking,... the stocker is growing on me, BUT i would like it to have the option of growling more at idle...

so here is what i propose and you guys help me iron out the details and i'll try it.

i wanna build an exhaust that will sound louder at idle than at speed... i had a boat with 454's and they had silencer type exhaust that were basically strait at idle but got quieter as you got the rpms up.

then maybe add a switch that would put it in quiet mode full time for town cruising or sneakin in late?

i need to know what the logic is on the exhaust valve, as in when does it open, what does the ecm need to see for it to open/close. or is this thing a simple it opens at X=rpm closes again at X=rpm?

basically a cut out for the bike but working opposite of the valve now?
what do you guys think of this idea?
Someone built a custom exhaust that operated on a valve, stock when closed, and hawkish when open, I'll do some searching and see if I can beat oh9 to it...
There are some electrical valves and options you can install, utilizing the Stock Muffler set up ,some are very pricey and will need regular maintenance due to the heat that Exhaust gives out. You could have a Manual valve installed and open it up at Idling [louder] and when you climb on the bike close it and off you go somewhat Quiter. If you need it to be loud or just a medium tone the stock Muffler will get louder over time at higher rpms to more fuell and the speed picks up also horsepower too of course till Rpms peak.That is why exhausts get louder Timing changes and Fuell delivery changes with higher speeds therefore the Exhaust needs to escape faster.
If you try to Silence the Exhaust at higher Rpms you will loose some horse power and the Engine Will suffer.UnLess you extend the Exhaust like the Older Foreign Bikes with Twin OR Single Pipes. I myself have never heard of a V-Twin Buell or Harley that was all that Quiet except at Idle due to low Idle and very little fuell being used till Throttle is applied.
The Manual valve is a good way to accomplish the loudness at Idle. You will have to shut the valve at Speeds above 15/ to 30/miles a Hour or your loss of horsepower at midrange will be costly Safety wise & fuell wise & power wise. The spark plugs will need to be changed more often.
Remember The ECM is a Preprogramed Unit so the bike may run poorly and make sure to really do your homework before you start that type of project. The [cons] from this type of modification is going to outweigh the positive, if you do THIS make sure to get extra parts. In my opinion it is an Idea that is costly and will Damage your Engines Performance over time.
If you can do such a modification just for the Idling Sound keep it simple.So it is easy to maintain. I figure you must have the Stock interactive Exhaust they are very Quite especially at Idle. Good Luck and hope it doesn't cost too much .*Jimi
Yep first saw that maybe 2/years ago.never seen one up close on a bike but dang ugly if ya ask me. takes away from the Beauty of our beasts.but as long as the rider is happy that is all That counts. That was on the Forum last year also but on a Harley and was also electric. I guess if you need that to Uhhh maybe sneek in then there you go. Good job finding that. *Jimi
Ok I like this electric cutout idea.... But he placed his in the final chamber so the exhaust still had to travel chamber A, B, C, to escape at idle... Would almost be same thing we already have or essentially pinching the cable open full time... BUT place an electric cutout on the tail end of the pipe, it could be more hidden, could just look like a dual outlet, and use a smaller cutout and make it cable operated or electric servo over cable? Then it's not gonna interfere with the chin fairing and it could be made switchable on and off with no modification to the stock exhaust valve or stock ECM servo functions. .??

ok guy in video had a cutout located somewhere around the yellow arrow. this meant exhaust had to travel (at idle) thru the pipe from A,B,C before exiting the cutout. then with the interactive exhaust valve open at speed it would be a pretty strait shot from the stock valve to his and exit....

my theory is add the electric cut out (smaller in size of course) to the rear of the pipe (red arrow) and have basically a dual outlet. one stocker, one with the cutout.

now in my idea the exhaust would travel down to chamber A and exit while my valve was open. less turns less restrictions more sound? with the stock valve open gas would just make the shortest trip out which should be out the stock valve and down thru the stock outlet. making my valve almost useless at speed. but it should still enable more sound
nah with this cutout idea i have changed my direction from original post....

i want the stocker to perform as normal.

i want the option to open mine and it get louder at idle.
Gotcha! Simply a manual by pass valve. How do you propose to do this? A second exhaust actuator with cable wired to a switch? Do these actuators respond on 12 volts or 5?
yeah i dunno what would work better another servo and cable or a pretty easy to find car electric cut out like in the you tube vids
I like your thinking and been working on similar ideas.
I'm still searching for the stock exhaust valve logic. With air box cover off, I've watched the vale actuator and never seen it move. I also manually puller the cable and little change in ex note ....?
The note don't change much when you pull out on it at idle. That's why I'd like to have a little grunt. I got a GB pipe coming and I'm in GA workin, when I get home ill mod the factory one ad try some stuff
I just have my stock muffler reprogrammed to be open until 3500 rpm. It starts out closed up to about 700rpm (for easy starting), open till 3500, then closed after that. If I remember correctly it opens again at a real high rpm. I like hearing the engine change note when it closes at 3500rpm.

Its easy to do through ecm spy. There are some posts around here or on Badweatherbikers that tell how to do it.

I love my Uly ... it's cool to be able to mess with it like that with a free program and a cheap cable!
Yeah that cutout was awesome. I loved having the noise and the quiet at just the right times. The way it was installed was compromised by the need to get the Mig torch into play though. TIG would have been neater and more agile, but I didn't have that option.

I mention all of this because an off camber right hand turn claimed the cutout and associated hardware one day. I recovered all the bits and I know what failed and why. The valve was ugly and wrong in that location and to do it right, it really needs to be inside the muffler and not cantilevered out in space. The whole thing was heavy too and I really dislike heavy motorcycles.

I'll revisit this project in the near future and best case scenario it'll be titanium or carbon or both. The valving will all be inside the muffler if everything turns out right.

Penzl makes an exhaust for the XB already that valves from quiet to loud-ish. It's quite pricey and the build quality looks to be very high.


I go to sleep now