U00001 is a comm error I think.
610005 low fuel sys err (the bike is full of fuel) This one is a fuel pump issue possibly, there's a resistor (I think) that gets screwed up, it could also be a software problem in the instrument cluster as well.
P0132 frt o2 sys err Front O2 sensor error, probably exactly what it says, may need replacement.
P1047 F-R af sys err This one is a large spread between the front and rear AFV (adaptive fuel value) telling the ecm that the fuel mixture is too far out of balance, one is reading extremely rich compared to the other, typically its the front reading rich. This may also be directly related to the previous error.
P0562 This may be the master error, it's a system low voltage error, probably from the charging system heading south. It may cause all kinds of false readings if it's way out of whack. This is where I'd start, check the charging system output first thing.
You did not state what year model it is either, 09 and 10 1125's have charging system problems. 08's aren't as prone to failure for the charging system, but it does happen sometimes.