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Fact: djs2k2 has been starting entirely too many threads lately of pointless subject matter. :D
Fact: you can drink your own urine if you had to in a stranded and thirsty type situation.

(I'm a paramedic for a living)
Fact: Until coffee gained popularity, beer was the beverage of choice for breakfast in most urban areas of the United States.

Fact: Lamborghini started out by making tractors.
Lamborghini started out by making tractors

Fact: Lamborghini started working in cars when his wife kept blowing the clutch out of his Ferrari. Lamborghini was mocking Ferrari with the car afterward.

1951 Lamborghini 22PS Tractor...after WWII he started Lamborghini Trattori and built tractors. He bought his first Ferrari in 1958, which then he discovered the inferior clutch in the Ferrari. He went on to pursue his dream of building cars and in 1963 Automobili Lamborghini was formed.
The beer for breakfast one...I just copied and pasted that one, but I got curious and found that Beer and other liquors were in fact consumed as breakfast drinks all over the world as far back as 16th century. And in the States, Beer was a common breakfast beverage in pre-1900's America. It was widely accpted due to contaminated water and things like coffee and cocoa were not as available to common folks. But that Alcohol sure was! LOL I was bored and curious...
The reason people didn't get sick off beer and did get sick off the water because they didn't know about germs and such. When beer is made you have to boil water which then decontaminates the water. Buuut they didn't know that at the time.


...beer was like the driving force of our society haha [up]
Fact even though "theMelvster6" thought this thread was pointless he posted any ways! :D
Fact if you get more than one post "Melvster" its not popular but not pointless!
Fact I'm not butt hurt I just "think" I'm creative!
Fact even if I'm wrong I will defend myself!
Fact replying to your post was long drawn out and, yes "pointless"!
Fact even though "theMelvster6" thought this thread was pointless he posted any ways!
Fact if you get more than one post "Melvster" its not popular but not pointless!
Fact I'm not butt hurt I just "think" I'm creative!
Fact even if I'm wrong I will defend myself!
Fact replying to your post was long drawn out and, yes "pointless"!

Fact: Quoting the wrong person 5 times in a row is more embarrassing than starting pointless threads. ;)
2004xb12s Sorry Melvster 6 I will blame it on copy paste and thank you 2004xb12s for proving my point, and coming back. I guess I should proof read all my work. :D[up]