Fatal Motorcycle Accident in Omaha this morning. I was close to being #2!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
Saw this on the news at lunch. The rider was run over by the dumptruck that pulled out in front of him. [sad]


I was almost another statistic this morning myself. I'm riding to work on my 600RR wearing my milspec orange Icon backpack b/c I work at Offutt AFB. I swear the orange they want us to wear is like a target. I've had more close calls wearing bright orange than when I don't.

Anyways, there was a car in the left lane and another car about two car lengths behind in the right lane. I change lanes and get in front of the car in the right lane. I don't know if it was that car that did it or if it was someone that was further behind them. So, there is a light at an intersection and right after you go through that there is another light for another intersection. The second one was green and knowing the light patterns I knew the one I was coming up to was going to change in a second. I was coasting in and wasn't going to put my foot down, just balance the bike inching foward until it changed, but it didn't change as fast I thought it would. Just as I put my foot down this idiot comes flying between me and the car in the left lane, blew through the red light and was crossing the center line weaving like they are drunk.

I surprisingly didn't get my foot run over or get demolished from a rearend. The light changed and I sped up to get beside him and curse him out and flip him off.
As I'm coming up on him he is still crossing the middle lines and swerving back forth. I got up beside him yelling choice phrases that he couldn't hear unfortunately
but were making me feel a little better after such a close call. He just looked at me like he didn't know he was even driving and like he hadn't done anything wrong. I got in front of him and took my on ramp to the highway to base cursing the whole way.

After 4 seasons of riding I've been lucky in this department. This is only the second time I've cheated serious injury or death because of some idiot on the road not paying attention or doing something stupid. Lots of little things but only two that were this close!

Stay alert out there guys/gals!
Thanks man! At least someone cares. 102 views and you're the only one to comment. LOL :p

Yeah it is a pretty good backpack. I could use a touch more room. I put my gym clothes and food for the day in it and there isn't much room left. I'd like to be able to throw a towel and an extra set of clothes in it so I can shower after the gym instead of putting my work clothes back on to ride home. (stupid gym should just supply towels) Plus next month I'm starting school again so I'll need to put books in there. It works though. Keeps the SPs/rent a cops happy at the gate every day and holds the important stuff I need it to. I'll probably invest in a tail bag too and start putting my food in that for the commute back and forth to work to free up some room in the backpack.