February 10-12, 2012, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, IL

Buellxb Forum

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I think I'll go. Was going for the past 3 years. If you never attended before it's worth to check out. Although IMO it gets worst every year…
Agate: I went last year and plan on taking my girlfriend this year and spending a day in chiagao as well... would love to meet up with you!

I'm taking family there for the weekend so was hoping few of us guys from XB could meet up at some point. Downtown Chicago is always a good time!
would love to meet up with you!

I will be there Saturday and already planning on meeting up with Agate.. anyone else going?
Plans are in play,Will see ya guys Sat. [up] Will post a few pic next week.
i will be living there for 36 hours the tradeshow industry is like slave labor faster,faster,hurry up and wait for other trades.there is just crap everywhere.crates,trash 2ft deep gotta watch your tools.pray you dont get hit by a forklift going 30.we all get to walk around rite before the show opens then they boot us out!!DUCATI HAS THE BEST GIRLS AND NICE ALSO.Monster energy chicks dont come close..
After working 12 hours at the ducati booth that MULTI-THINGEEMABOBB IS JUST A FLIPPIN BEAST NO 1199 IN SIGHT, NOT YET. NO PICTURES SORRY.
Well my first show and there was lots going on.Found some good deals on gear and better news when I talked to a mechanic on replacing the stator on the 1125s with the new oil injected stator from Ebr ,So I feel alot better now if mine ever goes out! Way to many peopleor would have stayed later I know I missed a lot and will plan better next year.
[mad]No EBR guys there!
I will be there in an hour to take down ducati did you guys like the rc8r and the rsv4???