Firebolt VS gsxr 750!!!

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He must suck really bad to lose in a straight line lol

But then again I did beat a cbr100rr off the line and up to about 70-80 then he pulled away but then let off before it was over so I won but in a round about way. Lol
But then again I did beat a cbr100rr off the line and up to about 70-80 then he pulled away but then let off before it was over so I won but in a round about way. Lol
Wow all the are doing over there is fighting about straight line bikes and power. [confused]
Glad im with this family instead of the nazi's over there.
Wow all the are doing over there is fighting about straight line bikes and power.
Glad im with this family instead of the nazi's over there.
I know huh? Guy gives up all his mods and still gets his balls busted.
The dude is also on buelletinboard. He's done quite a bit of work to his bike. And all just so he can go do some lame ass illegal street racing.

His bike is absolutely beautiful btw. Lemme grab the link to his build thread.

PURE JEALOUSY.2 Sick Buells, I have a 05 9R, but am would love to have an M2. Plus anyone else see that corvette? Looks like he has some fun weekends.
I figured it would be Dean. He's on my car forum too. He's been racing a long while, both fast cars and bikes. His bike is pretty heavily modified, and he knows what he's doing.

Also, older 750.