So I have a 2007 xb12r it has a d&d exhaust, ebr ecm, k&n air filter, and a dobeck tfi on it. I just rotated the motor to replace the rear upper and lower rocker gaskets. Put everything back together drove it very conservatively to put in gas about 10 miles drive perfect. Got on the interstate took it up to 75 no issues, got off the interstate went to accelerate harder and it fell flat in it's face and started decelerating grabbed the clutch dropped a gear back to normal? Try to accelerate hard again in any gear bam it falls flat on it's face? It only accelerate again when I grab the clutch then it will go to any speed or rpm if you get there conservative... But twist the throttle to fast and it will decelerate? Any suggestions apparently the techs here at Tucson Harley have never even heard of Buells!