flagging threads...

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
I was wondering if there was a way to personally flag threads that intrest you without posting in them? There have been a few threads that I didn't want to interupt with useless chatter, but I wanted to be able to readily access the thread later. I understand I could save the url's in my favorites on my computer, but I was wondering if the feature was included on the site and I missed it somehow or if it could be added?
Thanks for subscribing to my thread, but seriously, would this not be a good feature for the site? Any votes on this one?
If you are being serious, all you have to do is post in the thread, and then click on my posts, right under the the buellparts.net banner.
yeah, but the "my posts" section doesnt prioritize based off of last post you made... it is based on how recent that thread has been posted in. for example if you post something on day one in one of the most popular threads (buell porn perhaps) it will constantly be at the top of your posts list because people post to it constantly (or at least they used to), where as if you post to a thread, and no one else posts to it for days, it slowly sinks to the bottom of your list.

imagine if you were me... you have 940+ posts, and over 10 pages of threads you have posted to... not always easy to find **** or remember the name of the thread you posted to. and besides... not all people want to post in a thread, they just like following it. I think subscribing would be awesome for the site.
Exactly my point agfish, I am basically brand new and if I made a pointless post in every thread I wanted to keep track of I would have pages and pages of threads to sift through to go back and find(easily) what I am looking for, not to mention I don't want to be "that guy". There is alot of information on this site. I would love to be able to save the parts that help me.
Ok here this goes one more time...

Can we please get a vote going from all of you who would like the forum to feature a subscribe/like/flag/tag button on threads so you don't have to add useless chatter to save a thread for the ease of a future look-up?

I understand that all you have to do is post, but as some of you know I rarely have anything good to add to the discussion.

So please lets see those thumbs.
Keep in mind it also would depend on how easy/hard it would be to add such a feature to this site. Who created/wrote the site, who has all the files, what PHP was used, etc...
I'd personally love to see such a feature, but just saying it may be physically impossible.
I like this idea, I have been saving links to threads that I think have valuable information, but something happens to your browser or the bookmark files you are SOL
I like this Ideal !![up][up] for now I just put all of my favorite buellxb.com threads in my BUELLXB.com favorites folder!
I think a video section would be sweet to have too :D Just like the photo one, but you could just link a youtube/vimeo video or upload one yourself. Lots of other forums have them and they are a nice feature. ...but im partial to video and some of you know...

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