Free spirits belt tensioner failure.

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I got one last year. For the same reason as Loki. Now I'm gonna check it once and a while with a mechanics mirror. Thanks for the heads up Karma.
I was looking into getting one recently. Below is the e-mail address of the woman from free spirits who responded.

Sandra - Free Spirits [[email protected]]


required part is in stock.

Total amount including shipping cost is €. 167.03

Our terms of payment are:

By credit card only Visa and Mastercard (in case let me have detail ONLY by fax +39(0)445395539)

By wire transfer through:

Banca Antonveneta

Via Monte Pasubio 224

36010 Zanè (VI) Italy

Account no. 1055087

Iban IT77T0504060890000001055087

Swift ANTBIT21799

Our company is:

Free Spirits srl

Via G. Marconi, 79

36010 Carrè (VI) Italy

In the first case you should receive merchandise in around 4-5 working days

In the second case, you should have merchandise in around 4-5 working days, after receipt of payment.

Let me know about.

My FS tensioner failed on me, too. I think the design needs to be re-engineered. That pivot joint with the pin definitely needs more material for strength and reliability. I also noticed upon post-failure inspection that the unit should probably be periodically disassembled and lubed at all the friction points because everything was tight and/or showing significant signs of wear after about 7k miles of use. The eye-bolt rotating surfaces felt especially dry and tight. It looks like there is a tiny grease nipple on it, but I don't know of a grease gun adapter that would fit it.

I like the concept of constant-tension, but I no longer trust this product as currently designed. That's just my personal opinion. I know there are many on this board who have and use this tensioner, and that they may never experience a failure. At the very least, I'd keep an eye on it and remove it once in a while for inspection and lube.

Finally, as a cautionary note: If you use this tensioner and have removed your swingarm belt guards, there won't be much of anything to keep your belt from potentially coming off the rear wheel if your spring-tensioner breaks. My tensioner failed during some spirited road carving about 80 miles from home. I didn't know it had broken, but had started to feel something funky between accelerating and decelerating/braking when a fellow rider pointed out that my now-untensioned belt was flapping around loosely. I have my belt guards removed and easily removed the belt from my rear wheel pulley just by gently lifting it up and off with one finger. I was able to nurse the bike home, but was leary of the belt coming loose and mangling itself the whole ride back.
Now I am worried, having only just got round to fitting my FS belt tensioner (bought in Jan2012), will now take it off and examine very carefully before refitting. Obviously will monitor closely before riding, since I have replaced plastic 'bathtubs' with skeletal alloy guards.
Anybody else had this failure? Like the other posters, will watch for reply from FS as to their comments.
This sucks. How much do these dang things cost. And then you look forward to them breaking. Sounds like a big ass headache to me. Not to offend anyone, but this blows and I didn't even buy one!![mad]
OK guys,

My email provider(Yahoo mail) keeps kicking back my mail.
Apparently [email protected]
and - [email protected] (On there site) are not good addresses.
About to try - [email protected]
Hope it gets though.

OK but I did take a look at the bracket further. Looks like the pin they used is a standard roll pin (has a split on the side, made to drive in a hole) the sharp edge of the slit actually rubs on the bracket as it moves, thus eventually thinning the metal out just enough to allow the already thin bracket to fail.

Fix = Take roll pin out and replace with solid pin and KEEP GREASED. I think it would last a good while longer with a simple pin replacement and an occasional greasing.

OK I got a stock tensioner on ebay to get me back on the road. I got it on last night and now I have a belt whine. I also noticed the belt(18,xxxMiles) has quit a bit more tension on it compared to with the free spirits tensioner(Well Duh!! but it seems a bit much). The wheel takes a lot more effort to rotate on the stand(Not bearing binding though). Is this a problem? I'm afraid that the belt will break soon. I'm thinking of a little bracket modification to remove some of the tension to save the belt and bearings.
There are two size stock tensioner brackets.

One has one small drill hole between the mount holes, this is for the S & R models.

One has two small drill holes between the mount holes, this is for the SS, STT, X & XT models.

Did you get the correct one for you bike?
I have a F/S tensioner and will be looking it over and possibly replacing pin but if you push a stock bike or try to coast a stock bike its very frictional. My bike rolls and will coast much smoother and farther. I will be keeping mine and will repair as needed i just hope free spirit will stand by there product.
Just to clarify, when I fitted my FS tensioner, I needed to shim it to get good alignment, as per their instructions. I assume the failures were despite this? or was misalignment exacerbating the weakness?
Am today taking mine off, to consider both pin replacement and greasing/maintenance.
I love the asthetics of FS products and hope they will resolve this.
@Bobby Buell - yes mine was aligned.

@stellio78 - Thank You!
I didn't see any drill marks on it when I installed but wasn't looking to hard. The guy "said" it was off a late model lightning or firebolt 04 I think.
I will take it off and check tonight.
i just checked mine and my roll pin is broken . removed the broken pin and replace . will monitor belt regular like
@Stellio78 Man, I didn't see any visible holes, so I took it off and still found nothing. No indicating marks what so ever. I did drill one hole out one size larger and the other two sizes larger and it really helped. 90% of the whining is gone and it doesn't have that tight as a drum feeling to the drive train and rear suspension.

--------------Free Spirits E-Mail Update------------
I still haven't got a response back from free spirits yet. Wonder if I ever will.
The new one i ordered from AR Harley and sons will be here latter this afternoon. At least I have a spare stock bracket now if the free spirits one breaks again.
I still haven't got a response back from free spirits yet. Wonder if I ever will.

Wow! That is too bad. I definitely will NOT be buying one now. Way too much money anyway for $25.00 worth of aluminum.

FREE Spirits Fail [down]
---------------Free Spirits E-Mail Update---------------------

Ok guys. Here it is. The E-mail I received from Free Spirits this morning.
Hello ----,

you didn’t find hits on failures because breakage cases are less than 0.2% nevertheless this is not the first time, few years ago (also to distinguish our tensioner from existing and currently copy) we slightly modify shape to that point.

Replace tensioner with a new one or with an original is your choice but due to the proven reliability (during those years) of this our article we don’t consider it not dependable, in other words, be trust-benefit dependability of thousands of pieces over opinions.

Due to my poor English I hope I express correctly this concept, but if you have any doubt please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Have a nice day


FS 2012 andrea 2

Via G. Marconi, 79

36010 Carrè (VI)

Tel. 0445-390437 - Fax. 0445-395539

[email protected]

VAT: 03285260240

So joy for replacing a part that they changed because they knew it needed more metal around, the part of the bracket, that broke. So I'm stuck with hoping that the one I ordered is the updated version or keep the stock bracket on the bike.

Although I do not wish to buy another free spirits part. It is a damn sight better than the stock IMO. So I regrettably will be running the FS tensioner when it shows up. After I check it out thoroughly.
So, did you buy a new one or are they replacing your broken one? hard to understand.
I find this e-mail response from FS is disappointing, but given their explanation I understand their position. However, I have to say if it was my company, even one field failure would warrant at least a failure analysis and based on the results of that some proactive preventive action - which does seem to be what they did. At this point we don't know but can only hope the failures were on the previous revision parts and that the redesigned part will not exhibit this mode of failure.
Nope they will not replace mine.

They didn't even offer to sell me one at any kind of deal either.(<Disappointing)

Oh well that's life.

At least we know that there is a revised bracket that supposedly has been updated to have a thicker ED at the point of failure.
Can you tell me when redesigned part was put into production i purchased mine in 12/2011.[confused]

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