Friend bought an R6 today..

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A. Any Yamaha is a great bike. A R1 with a good rider will run circles against a XB12R-or-S with the same rider. They are made for speed in the straight line, plus good in turns, too. Nothing against a Buell, but it's hard to resist 180 HP stock R1 vs the 98 HP Buell.

B. It is a totally different bike. Yamaha is power not torque. Need to keep the revs up, not mid/low torque like the torque monster Buell. As a byproduct, of course, the Yamaha will be a much more aggressive posture and stance. All my R1's were great to ride for a bit. But after an hour or 2, they got very very uncomfortable. A Buell is a much better long stretch bike. A lot more comfortable if you ask me.

C. Chrysler minivans SUCK. My dad has had 3 of them when we were growing up. I always remember him driving away, and seeing white puffs of smoke coming out of the exhaust (didn't know there were weak headgaskets).

D. Chrysler minivans SUCK. I know I said that before, but they REALLY SUCK!!!
I'm confused by this thread... how many of us Buell owners actually bought the Buell for its top-end?? [confused]

(hopefully none)
I'm confused by this thread... how many of us Buell owners actually bought the Buell for its top-end??

lol same here, so to the OP, do you want an R6? I mean... our Buells are NOTHING like a jap bike.. can't compare the two.

Guys with small dicks compare numbers .....  WAAAA

Word up, juts enjoy your Buell, you know which is the better bike. If you want a fast top end bike, Buell is not for you.
No ****!!
Love your bike for what it is, not for what you wish it would or could be. Guys with small dicks compare numbers ..... WAAAA

Also... guys who like wheelies and the ability to cruise comfortably on the highway over 65mph compare numbers.

I loved my xb9, but that front wheel wasn't coming off the ground over 35mph and it kinda bothered me. Even still, my answer wasn't more hp, it was less weight. My yz426 sumo only makes 45-50hp, but only weighs 240lbs wet and will do power wheelies in 1st-3rd gear.
Still, the Buell is a hell of a bike. And you have to admit, the design is genious. The fuel tank is the chasis, and the oil tank is the rear swing-arm. That's pretty awesome.
And you gotta say, it's pretty damn nimble, too. Torque monster!!
Wow guys get defensive much. His buddy bought a jap bike and you guys get huffy puffy. I have an 2006 r6 and a05 12r. Its okay to have more than one bike and to like more than one bike style. Grow up.
Wow guys get defensive much. His buddy bought a jap bike and you guys get huffy puffy. I have an 2006 r6 and a05 12r. Its okay to have more than one bike and to like more than one bike style. Grow up.
Wow guys get defensive much. His buddy bought a jap bike and you guys get huffy puffy. I have an 2006 r6 and a05 12r. Its okay to have more than one bike and to like more than one bike style. Grow up.

Who got all "huffy puffy" back up the claim or it didnt happen!!

and to the OP I still don't get the point of this thread, was it just to inform us that your friend got a bike with more HP then yours?
Well I think people are taking issue with the original poster posting what his friend bought in comparison to what he feels are the shortcomings on his bike. Which is the shortcomings on everyone else's Buells. The apples to oranges comparison and the debate that follows gets done about 3 or 4 times a month it seems, whenever a new guy buys a Buell and then gets greased in a race or has a friend buy a faster bike. It's cool if you want to have a comparison thread that people dig up from time to time and post how their bike did on a strip against another maker's and post results or videos..
But do we really need the "Attention: I just discovered our bikes are slower than a Japanese bike!" thread a few times a month. I can understand buyer's remorse... and I must say I am pleasantly surprised at guys that show up here with a Jap bike willing to trade down on power to trade up on Torque, Style and Grunt. It shows that for every kid that wanted to go fast and found out they weren't because their bike doesn't go as fast as someone else's, there are some that don't care, do the research before they buy and know a Buell is exactly what they want.
Who got all "huffy puffy" back up the claim or it didnt happen!!

and to the OP I still don't get the point of this thread, was it just to inform us that your friend got a bike with more HP then yours?

Are you saying I dont own two realitively inexpensive bikes? Im sorry but everytime someone posts something here about a non buell, everyone takes it as automatic trolling. Its like being on and someone mentions anything other than a 5thgen camaro.
Are you saying I dont own two realitively inexpensive bikes?
I'm pretty sure that's not what he's suggesting...

So your bike is down 22 horsepower on the R6. Well, the R6 is down 50 horsepower on the R1. Oh, and even those literbike owners are outclassed by those crazy f*ckers with 300whp turbo-busas. The point is, there will always be a faster bike out there, so why get into a pissing match over 22 hp?
yamahas in general suck. chyrsler rules! buells rule! minivans suck but are handy as hell. walmart housebrand supertech oil sucks. phillies rule!
this thread has digressed so badly that i thought i'd chime in one more time.
kawasaki triples rule! suzuki triples suck!
My point is; how much hp comes from adding 50ccs with a big bore kit? :)

It was a realization; I still smoke kids who just got their CBR1000RR.

I would never trade my Buell for any other bike other than another Lightning. If I felt like going faster I'd just buy another bike.
Learn to go fast in turns... then you can challenge any of your friends on any bike. Going fast in a straight line is for monkeys.
ya whats the point of this thread again??

Well I think people are taking issue with the original poster posting what his friend bought in comparison to what he feels are the shortcomings on his bike. Which is the shortcomings on everyone else's Buells. The apples to oranges comparison and the debate that follows gets done about 3 or 4 times a month it seems, whenever a new guy buys a Buell and then gets greased in a race or has a friend buy a faster bike. It's cool if you want to have a comparison thread that people dig up from time to time and post how their bike did on a strip against another maker's and post results or videos..
But do we really need the "Attention: I just discovered our bikes are slower than a Japanese bike!" thread a few times a month. I can understand buyer's remorse... and I must say I am pleasantly surprised at guys that show up here with a Jap bike willing to trade down on power to trade up on Torque, Style and Grunt. It shows that for every kid that wanted to go fast and found out they weren't because their bike doesn't go as fast as someone else's, there are some that don't care, do the research before they buy and know a Buell is exactly what they want.

i really think that sums it up

comparing a buell to a japenese crotch rocket is like comparing dr pepper to jack daniels seriously. everyone ive ever known (no joke everyone) buys a inline four to peg it out on the highway, then they turn around and say "dang dude buells suck ass". why? becuase im not ******* incompetent and peg it at 180 when i pass a cop?? i have two giant forged pistons that redline at about 7000 rpm, you have four tiny little pistons that are smaller so they rev faster and redline at about 14000. you also have a bike that you hvae to throw down about three ******* gears just to pass someone on the highway. in any gear i literally twist the throttle and instantly have the power i need to pull outta the corners. i also have only five gears, for a good reason, keep the rpm higher where the midrange is located. and i have a huge rear sprocket to also keep the rpm high and give me all the bottom end, which is a good match for all the torque. this is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM A TOPEND bike and when someone asks me "how fast does it go?" like a dum ****** squid, i pretty much just laugh. although its shaped somewhat like a crotch rocket, and looks somewhat like a crotch rocket, thats not at all what it was meant to be. i don't really give a **** either if some joe shmo's kawi or yamaha has a measly 22 more hp. horses aren't getting their gallop without the torque. which there isn't any. they ride like ****, sound like ****** weedwackers and are just stupid as ****. (yes ive owned a few). if you want a cookie cutter bike, and still want to tell yourself youre "cool" and being "unique" then go down to the local whatever shop and pick you up one of those badboys knowing there is probably about 22million of them in the continental US. and from 1983 to 2009 buell had produced just over 136,000 buells. not just firebolts, not just lightnings, every buell collectively added to 136,000 (roughly).

the easiest way put---if you want a bike to go hit 180 and be stupid (like my old friends i don't even bother riding with anymore) then an inline four is for you. we all like to think we're a casey stoner or a colin edwards when we throw a leg over, but what i always tell the ****** morons "i promise to GOD, regardless of how toughshit you think you are, you won't be getting that bike to 180 on any closed racetrack." EVER. you have an open shot of highway, four lanes wide, you hold the throttle open and duck behind a windscreen. we really should get you a contract with motogp. learn to drag your elbows in the corners then ill be even SLIGHTLY impressed.

if you want a bike that was made for the track, can corner well, and has the bottom end, and is different and doesn't run with the pack then a buell is for you. or if you want to spend the money on a ducati they're not too bad either.

it also just seems like every person i see on one gets younger and younger. just like the iphone craze. bunch of little ******* kids man. everytime i see someone get off a inline four i swear they look like they just stole that **** outta their parents garage and are going to jail if they get pulled over since they probably don't even have a license.

just dont even bother comparing a buell to one, ok, get sick of hearing that ****----------that wasn't what Erik was trying to do

and a friend of mine use to have cbr1000, and he was actually blown away when he noticed the buells have steelbraided brake lines and his honda doesn't. theres plenty of things that make the buells cool in their own way.

a measly 22hp?!? ok if youre racing, ON THE TRACK, you might wanna step your game up and buy the bigbore kit and race cams. but a measly 22hp on the street? damn that guys getting to the local starbucks quicker than me whoa look out!! haha or whoa he's getting to class quicker than me!! lookout!! he's probably flying by right now at 130 on a public highway!! whoa!! somebody put the bigshotta nitrous on the weedwacker!!

i mean sersly, whats another 22hp on my everyday ride around town streetbike??