Front engine isolators

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my son has been working on one, 3D printed the housing and looking at different rubbers to fit the job and hold up over time while making it possible to replace at home when needed. He's a machinist...

3D printed housing? As a machinist... I’m interested to see the results.
yes, PLA for mock up before he actually machines it. my former company 3D prints metal turbine engine compressor blades, probably other companies doing the same as the tech has evolved.

6061 or 7075, still sourcing the rubber and making changes to the design as the drawings from the guy who made them I believe left them open...this is what was printed from the original design so far
Howdy All, I’m only post this hear because I’m not smart enough to navigate this form to start my first introduction post as a new buell member. Anyways I’m post more once I learn or get access to that technology.
Unfortunately, we already loaned out that technology to one of our members. I don’t want to name names, but it was Cooter.
He is a bully and absconded with this technology and we haven’t seen it since. He promised to rebuild it for us on his 3D printer, but so far all he has done is drank a lot of beer. He was in the middle of telling us his story about his trip to Oregon and then NOTHING.

He left us hanging halfway through and refuses to return technology. Until that happens we are at a loss.

What a jerk.
I see that the initial front isolator was replaced by L0501.02A8, then again by L0501.4A8. is this correct, and is there more?

How many updates is there to the front isolator?
Which number is the newest one and most updated?