mrlogix thats the pin size i need then but in the meantime chicknstripn thats so simple its genius!! will try that for sure! talking of genius why didnt i think of that then! lol :up: :up:
mrlogix :up: :up: :up: i will pay for your labour as well as materials and shipping! cheers mate! P.s pitbulls are off the agenda for now but they`re still sexy!! lol Thanks everyone for your help! As i said before you but aint a bad old bunch you Americans! lol :black_eyed: :eagerness:
sorry, all the dimensions are in english (ha, ha) not metric. I think this will work for you though. Any comments or suggestions before I send it to a lathe?
Just one possible thought we are talking 22/18mm right? well mine is 19/18mm the /18 is spot on but just wondered if the pin mount hole in the actual stand can take the 22/? the 19 i have is a loose fit but 20/18 may be safer that gives a 2mm ridge which should be plenty? what do you think? looks like about the ridge size pitbull pins have?
the diameters go from 18mm to 22mm shoulder to 19mm that fits in the stand with a 7mm locking pin hole. The shoulder should be about 0.150" above the plastic cover.
Don't worry about it. Just let me know when it gets there and how it fits. (Pic's please). I ended up having to make it out of O-1 tool steel. I didn't have stainless in that small of diameter in stock right now. I didn't harden it after machining so it should wear well without damaging the steering stem. I made it out of a piece of scrap stock so it didn't cost me anything but a little bit of time. Like I said before, I know that you are limited on opportunities to get out and about.