Get a new XB12R or 1125R?

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as far as the whole insurance thing I thought it was crazy how my m2 (which is a slower and more heavy bike that is worth less) is a hole lot more for full coverage than my xb9r. The only reason I could think of is that the m2 is a 1200 and the 9 is a 900 but does that realy justify $500 in difference in insurace between the two?
Insurance definitely goes by cc and not power. And its so expensive for bikes cause we will go down...maybe not now but soon. Its true that we fall into 2 categories: the ones that have and the ones that will. Not to jinx anyone but if you ride the country backroads hard,long enough, it most likely will happen. Also we buy the bikes knowing we will try and top it out haha. Sportbikes are a huge risk so it makes sense why some companies charge so much. I pay 80 bucks full coverage after wrecking my 1125R. Before I got insurance, progressive wanted to charge me 983 a month!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah you heard right.

The saddle for the 1125R is wider which makes it feel taller. just FYI.
Well , I'm totally lusting after the 1125.
Maybee that's becouse I already have the 12r...
But after reading about the 1125, there's no doubt it can do everything the firebolt can.
And more...
Bolt, thats exactly what I'm thinking but..... I really really liked my xb9r and it had plenty of power, of course I always want more so going to a 12 would prrob be plenty but.... there then sits the 1125R which is an even bigger and more powerful
i would buy a 1125r and I have a 03 xb9r now. The 1125r are awesome plus if you spend the money and get all the plastics for it then the radiators don't look so out of place! But the xb12r is a bullet proof bike with parts pretty easiliy available. comes down to preference IMO.
Yeah , I love my 12r, it's a lifetime affair!
But i'm obviously not opposed to having another buell[up]
1125 is the latest buell platform from wich to launch...
I wondered which one to get too. When I checked insurance, the 1125 was nearly double the 12R through Progressive. That was the decider and I haven't looked back.
Insurance should be considered and like stated above 1125's command a premium in the premium department :D

All things being equal I'd go for the 1125 all day long. Same great chassis with about 42 more horse power!
the only thing I missed about my XB9R when I got the 1125R was the sound. my 9R had the race exhaust and ecm, which sounded...NICE! the stock 1125 muffler isnt loud at all...but I fixed that with an FMF pipe. Everything else IMHO far out weighs the XB. I found myself getting on my old XB and getting to the red-line way too quickly after riding the 1125.
I was thinking about that too! But, it all depends on what I can get out of her insurance company.
kyle and brow: I am insured through State Farm. I have full coverage with one moto accident and I pay about 1000 a year. Progressive wanted to charge me 10,000! yeah.... a little ridiculous. I dont have any clue as to why it was that much at all. Maybe it was cause I didnt have any prior moto insurance.
I didn't have any propr moto insurance either, I have now been in 5 wrecks in the past two years, and 2 speeding tickets, one with which I took the class. Geico wanted $5,000 for my 03' 9R for full coverage.... stupid. I have my car insurance with State Farm, but I got Progressive for the bike because of the price and because they offer Road Side Assistance
geico was 658.00 for full coverage and progressive was 2000.00 for the same . big differance . thanks gieco i almost never called
I was lucky enough to purchase an 09 xb12Ss and an 09 1125cr. The xb is a fun bike. Turns well and I think is a tad shorter. Really like it! That being said, I never ride it. The 1125 just has the power i crave! I may be selling the Xb. As far as the motors go, I know the xb has the proven motor but with EBR still building bike off the 1125 platform, Im hoping that I will be able to get the parts I may need in the future. Not sure what will happen for parts for the xb. Just my 2cents tho..
I have a 02 m2 cyclone and a 2010 1125r they r both good bikes in there own way but i prefer the old tubie it sounds like a mussle bike !!!