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It's like the light at the end of the tunnel, I don't know how I'm going to get them out here yet but I will!
The parts can be sold as a lot or individual, let me know either way. Ill accept mrlogix bid of 100 if no one wants to break it up.

Thanks for the kind words John and mrlogix, its the least i can do for a fellow bueller in need.
least i can do for a fellow bueller in need.

that is what makes this forum special. Badweb has more technical articles (in quantity, not nessecarily expertise) but lacks the commradery we have here. :D

come on guys bid. I don't even own an XB R or S. Plan to in the near future, but more about helping a fellow member out than the parts.
[sad] doesn't look like it, but it's very encouraging that a few would try and offer up personal items to help. Thank you Restless, mrlogix, lunatic, and all the other buellers that have put forth effort. Thanks to others who have pm'd me with kind words.
Mrlogix and I spoke about the parts, since he doesnt have an xb we are going to just each contribute and ill leave the parts up for sale, individual or a lot.