Good for the soul

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
Bellville, South Africa
Pulled out the Uly as we had a fairly nice autumn evening.

After evening class I went the long way home - nice twistie section.
There is something about the thump of the engine under acceleration, the crisp cold night air and nobody around you to clear your mind after a crap day. ;)

It should be recommended as therapy. [up]
There is something about the thump of the engine under acceleration, the crisp cold night air and nobody around you
I totally agree.
This will be my 7th riding season on the Buell and I've pretty much rode solo the entire 38,000 miles.
I second that. [up]

Add that with the feeling of every shift and curve feeling smooth and you've got a recipe for an experience that few will ever know.
I enjoy riding and commute daily, but it sure has brightened a few days along the way. Bad days seem a little brighter and good days get better.
Here it is still cold and rainy.

Plus some upgrade parts got delayed (hydraulic clutch) so the bike isn't ready to roll yet anyway. But.

Damn you for making me think of my Uly rolling out of a nice corner, that "eye-of-the-storm" calmness of neutral throttle, then the sky being torn apart as the throttle opens. Fire rains down on the pistons, the belt - like the reigns on a proud and powerful steed - tightens as ground below is left behind. Touching knees to the frame, she whispers to me. I can feel the blood pumping through her frame. Every last engine pulse comes as a tingle. Faster, faster, she says. Her lungs open and her nostrils flare - that sound of something massive sucking in air.

But no its still cold and rainy here.
Its also physically therapeutic. When my back hurts the vibration from the bike seems to relieve it some how.