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i never was fully comfortable with my entry/exit. Now i at least have some direction in what to improve upon.

Im ordering the books today, look like a good read.
Read 1 and 2.... I think one is better then two. I like the whole $10 thing......
Now, I'm not saying that you'll become a AMA super bike track star. But the book will just give you a better understanding of how you, the bike and the road work together.
Being reading all morning, as well as checking videos that reference the book. Lots of really good information here, i like that its explaining how the bike works to achieve the results and not just the positions that are helpful. The emphasis on throttle control, and review of my own videos pointed out huge flaws in the way i have been riding. My mind is blown right now!
Glad your digging it....and I hope it really helps you out.
If you comprehend all of the info, and are able to utilize it in real world riding. You might have to change your name to "they call me flash"

You will also later down the road find out that the suspension in a Buell will out perform the motor 9-10 times. the 1-10 is if your high in the rpms on a slow swing turn to a tight double apex.
So whatever the corner posted speed limit is you can double it safely like a walk in the park.
Ive no track time ever or advanced riding course, ill be looking into it here soon so i can actually practice what im learning as well as get some expert advice. Last thing i wanna do is put my buell down again specially because of bad riding habits.

Anyone know of a good thread about riding performance? Most threads are about mechanical repair or social gossip
Riding performance?.... Do you mean bike set up?
If so... Everybody has different set ups that they are comfortable with...with different tires.
But again you need to worry more about the basics, before you get into real set ups.
For now just run off your buell book set up.
But when you get your confidence you can try some little changes..
Where you are at I would run comp in the rear harder and the rebound in the front harder.
I like rear wheel spin in the hills.
Nah not setup, more about riding techniques.

Ive set my suspension to the book for 180, which is what i am. Im pretty happy with where its at so i havent bothered changing it just yet. Ima start another thread cause wer off topic now. Got me really thinking though