Got another ticket.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2008
lol. 74 in a 60. $144. But this is the 3rd on in a year, so if it sticks I lose my license for one month. What can ya do. It was the Wastapo he lasered me, then told me my plate wasn't straight up and down enough, no ticket for that. Nice enough guy, even tho he wrote me a ticket. After he came back with my ticket he says" Man Jon, I ran ur name back there and you light up the entire board! you've been pulled over all over the place! Once even by my captain last year on old Horse Lake rd. Whats the deal?" I says "Well Officer, I got this flashy new bike last year and it seems to draw more attention than anything else iv ever ridden. I rode my Yamaha 600 for years with no ticket, never got a ticket in my Honda, and this will be my 3rd ticket on this bike in a year." He says "Well you seem like a nice enough guy, but u really need to slow it down. Here is your citation"

Anyhow, so im not sure what to do. WA state doesn't use a point system. Its just 3 tickets in one year, lose ur license for a month. My job requires me to drive so thats really unacceptable. Im either going to take my 4 year deferral or fight it and lose I guess. I really wanted to save that deferral for something more serious tho =(. I knew i shoulda picked up Pre-Paid legal this winter.
Now Missouri does have a few advantages. You can get as many tickets as you want. You hire an attorney, they get it amended to a non-moving violation, and you get no points on your license. It does get expensive though. Good luck to ya Thaloc.
oh god...another ticket thread :p (j/k)

thaloc, in euroland we can maintain our license for work purpose only...maybe you can look into that, if this is an options @ your location.
you might ask about a permit just for driving to work if you do lose your d/l...
i know of a few people around here that lost them for drunk driving or speeding that drives on a work permit d/l.
thaloc, get your self a attorney. i got a ticket a while back, they got me with a lazer and for whatever reason my attorney got me off. im in washinton also btw. im sure my record dosnt look as bad as yours but check out this attorney. she did good work for me. i dont know her website so youll have to look it up. also the legal cost was like $10 more then my ticket would have been. i dont think it was even $200. seemed like a good price.

---- law office of heidi l. hunt-----
over pay the ticket by 10 dollars..them its filed differently showing a credit...when they send you a 10 dollar check back dont cash it..ticked stays in that file until the check is cashed...if they should send the over paid check back...just send the correct amount back...chances are good the ticket wont cross with the other two speeding ticket...use all the time they allow to pay end of deadline..doing this it will fall between the cracks or you may find paying the third ticket will fall past the 12 month period...dont ask me how i know......some times it good to over pay
Laser in WA? lasers don't work in rain or fog. Can you play that card? I'm pretty sure laser jammers are legal in WA. It may be time to buy one
Lasers can work in rain and fog...just not as well. The problem is that if he is pointing the laser on you, that is the only speed it reads. It does not get any of the surrounding vehicles. Like I said, laser tickets are hard to beat...good luck
I've never had to do this myself, but, go to court. Check the files to see if the officer in question is in attendance. If he is ask for a later court date.Keep this up till he doesn't show and you win. I've been told this works in Ontario Canada, not sure about the states.
You know you were speeding, take the ticket and request a work permit. I know WA offers this as an option, heck you can even get one after multiple DUIs, so they won't have a problem with multiple speeding tickets. In the 4 1/2 years I have been here at Lewis I have seen quite a few Soldiers go through similar situations, and they always get a work permit.
Hey 03Firebolt9r, I'm about an hour west of St. Louis. The town is Wentzville. You from MO? If so, where?
I was doing a cross country road trip, as I was going through Oklahoma 30 mins away from crossing the border into Texas, when I got pulled over by an Oklahoma State Trooper for going 79 in a 65. He "invited" me into his cruiser, we chatted up a bit, pretty nice guy, I asked if he could reduce it to 10mph. He said no problem, he was going to reduce it anyway. A few weeks later I called up to check out the damage, I figure it shouldn't be too costly, it's only 10, eveybody drives 10 over right, but to my surprise it was $188.70. Damn, that hurts. Maybebuell, I thought about overpaying the ticket just to give them extra paperwork to file but changed my mind at the last minute. Now I wish I had.
I did the over pay thing some years back here in MI and it didn't stop anything insurance went up and the ticket still went on my record.

Good luck but needless to say 3 strikes and your out.

Best thing is to learn ftom it although the first two did nothing for you.
oo wreckless driving in tn is 20 over lol. but i got two on my baby before i had to sell her :( one was multiple violations. and btw..i have you all beat i think. 4 tickets....3 months. (3 of them in six weeks the other later) luckily my city judge didnt remember me the second time, and the third i begged and pleaded. and then the fourth was county and different judge. i said i hadnt been pulled over in the past year cause the last 3 werent on my record. lol. so four traffic schools later and four court fees of 45 dollars each and im clear haha.

oh, and two were on my bike and two in my car. one bike ticket was two violations and so was one in my car (speeding and stopsign) gaygaygay.

i think the worst one was 76 in a 50 dont remember tho. i was tryin to beat a hail storm home after work and state trooper walked out in the road and flagged me down. i flew by him and running did cross my mind, but my buddy wrecked on the same stretch of road on a bike the week before so i was afraid he'd have one of his other pigs down the road waitin =\

chapter 2

just kidding lol.
i just did traffic school for an "unsafe lane change" and "failure to signal". It was because I turned from the middle of the road to avoid the upcoming DUI checkpoint. I hate those things, sober or not.
I've heard Peter March, an attorney in Spokane, handles things like this. Just word of mouth from some guys that swear by him. I have a friend that used another attorney in the spokane/cda area for a speeding ticket; paid a couple hundred bucks to the attorney and that was the end of it.
In Michigan, for an informal hearing, the officer's burden of proof is preponderance of the evidence. Essentially, more likely then not. That is why it is so hard to beat the officers in court. I don't think the over pay deal works...more of a myth. The county will gladly accept your extra money.:)