Also, a bit off topic, but I've found that benadryl works pretty well for allergies. I've tried claritin, allegra, zyrtec, a couple prescription types, and most of them seemed like they did nothing, or they barely did anything, then once I stopped taking them it was like my allergies were amplified and were worse, so it was better just to not take anything and deal with it. My wife told me to try benadryl which I had no idea would work (I thought it was only for things like when you have a reaction, like a rash or something) but I've been taking it for the past couple days and I'm probably 50% better. Only problem is I'm drowsy all day lol.
I'm going to attempt to reassemble my master cylinder tonight. I have no clue how I'll get the sight glass back in, but I'll think about that later I guess. Also I'll have to hone the bore out then I may spray paint the one area black that they didn't powder coat for whatever reason.