Since I try to be Mr. Racey Race Pants, I get into the forks a lot. I'm not rich enough for an upgrade so I'll keep the stock BPF's on there.

Once you pull off the front wheel it's only a couple bolts to slide them out for a quick fluid swap. I'm using 15w in the EBR for the first time ever as I'm a bigger guy and track temps will be in the high 90's-100's for the rest of the summer:upset:
Every time you change viscosity it will take some fiddling to get it back to what you like, but honestly I do use the Buell OE settings as a consistent starting point, no matter the oil weight change. It is AMAZING how different they are from cold in the morning to the end of the first session. You end up looking for the right settings and still chasing them all day.
Suspension and tuning are considered as a 'black art' because theres no perfect answer, it really does boil down to personal taste and comfort. Dave Moss' genius is that he is a teacher at heart. He is dealing with cocky, aggressive, males, with the same basic set-up mistakes 100's of times. Without getting frustrated he can break down the simplest subject without sounding condescending, in a calm, step-by-step way. A real hero
Follow what he suggests, in the order he says, and you can get real close, real quick:angel: