Guardian Bells???

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Squid is correct, in order for the mojo to go your way, it has to be a gift from a friend or loved one. Doesn't work if you buy it for yourself. Just like you don't put a Dragon sticker on anything you own until you have sucessfully completed the Dragon. Not real supersticious myself, but I don't temp Karma, she's a real BITCH.
And no, I don't sport a bell, no one cares that much for me
i think you are missing my point, and you are taking it way more to heart

Definitely not taking it to heart.
I think you are taking my statements out of context. I'm not questioning or insulting anyone for there decision to use or give the bell. I was questioning/criticizing your statement about people not caring about you if you haven't received a bell. That is also why I said, "stupid superstition" in the context of that being the guideline of people caring about you.

I also stated, "to each is own" since my first post of this thread.

but to step it up to another level of stupid.....
let me guess.... you would also tell your grandparents, parents or loved ones, that they should not prey for your well being either? that's just because you feel you don't need it right this minute


I don't know where this came from. Maybe this was you working a little harder?

No one ever stated to disrespect someone for trying to give them a bell (or pray for them) they were just stating their opinion like asked for in OP
I rock one with the POW/MIA sheild on it. was a gift from a compleat stranger at a local bike shop. He was deff a military vet. I rock it out of respect for who it came from and what it represents and means to many.
I’m not really superstitious or particularly religious, but I have a bell… I don’t keep it on my bikes though, I have it on my jacket.

there's lots of trinkets on my jacket, each for different reasons

my old Buell key ring (I took it off the bike key because it flies around in the wind and does a lot more damage to the bike than you would think), an old magic 8-ball key ring (from my old car), a life-cap incase I come off while riding, and a guardian bell that was a gift from a loved one.
At the end of the day she could have given me anything and it would mean the same to me, it’s something I have with me to remind me that someone that cares about me wants me to be safe while riding – no luck or protection from “road demons” or whatever the story of the bell is… the bell is just a “keep safe” gesture from someone that cares about me – so I’m happy to have it with me while riding – whether it a bell, key-ring or patch, make no difference (I do think the bell is pretty cool though!)

At the end of the day, what difference does it make if someone wants to wear one or have one on their bike whatever their belief or reasons – I don’t see the point of taking the piss out of them about it
I "HAD" one until I low-sided into a ditch and it got ripped off, I believe the true intent is to have something to remind you that someone cares about you enough to give you a trinket from the heart.
They are nice gestures from people who care about you.If you give someone a bell thats cool.i lost the one given to me a month after receiving it
10,000+ miles later no issues.Do they work?I don't each their own.
remind you that someone cares about you enough to give you a trinket from the heart.

THats why i dont have one and havent bought one. I have not had anyone buy me one and i feel that they are suppose to be a gift to you.

My friend has had one on all his bikes he has bought from the PO.