Just in case, here's how:
With everything off open your diagnostic port (lightning's will be under the seat/bolts in the front fairing). Look into the port and you will see 4 wire ends. Turn it so the little lock part is at your 12 o'clock position, then use something to jump the two wires on the right (screwdriver usually works best, but anything metal should be fine). With the wires jumped turn on your key and kill switch (but do not start the bike). Your CEL should come on, then flash rapidly about 8 times, pause, then flash slowly for the first digit of the code (the number of flashes is the first number of the code), pause 2 seconds, then slowly for the second digit of the code (again, number of flashes is the second number of the code). If there is a second code it will pause again, then do the same for the second code...when it gets to the last code it will just keep repeating them till you turn the bike back off.
Here's the list of trouble codes...
CEL codes:
13- O2 sensor
14-ET (engine temp)
15-air intake temp
16-battery voltage
21-exhaust actuator
23-front injector
24-front coil
25-rear coil
32-rear injector
33-fuel pump
44-bank angle sensor
52, 53, 54, 55- ECM failure
56-cam sync. Failure