I had a little Uh Oh at work last Tuesday. I'm a technician for a large Natural Gas Company and perform maintenance on the engines and compressors. We were pulling a piston on one of our plants engines so that we could inspect it for wear. While pulling the rod apart (it comes a part in two pieces) something got into a bind and broke and allowed the piston and rod to fall back onto my left hand, trapping me in between the two half's of the rod. The Piston and upper rod assy weigh somewhere around 1500 lbs. I had to roll the crank around to get the rod off of my hand. I was rushed to the hospital bleeding badly thinking the worse. when I got to the hospital they cleaned off my hand and took me into ex ray. Amazingly no bones were broken and they only had to stitch up my badly mashed up hand. alot of skin was mashed off of my pointer finger and once they got what was left stretched back around they stitched it up with 16 stitches. The webbing between my middle and ring finger had to be stitched back with another 10 stitches. I have some movement in my fingers and realize that this could of been worse, I'm lucky to have all of my fingers. The sucky part is that I will not be able to ride my bike until I get enough movement in my fingers to operate the clutch. Hell it took me 30 minutes to type this post. My wife said that my Titanium wedding band is what kept it from crushing my fingers completely off. Anyways hopefully I will learn from this accident and have more respect for these machines that I work on and around every day.
Stay safe
Stay safe