doom, you got an xbs?
get on r-fairing on that and you will take more wind than with the original s-fairing.
why? with the xbr you're more in a sporty position, leaning more forward, thus your body & head position is lower.
with all due respect, but if the guy was blown of his bike by wind, should he have been riding at that time?
i rode a naked in upright position with no fairing at all at round 280km/h (174mph) and didn't fall or get blown off and i'm not a big guy (74kg/163lb,lbs)
if that guy got blown of his bike, he must have been in a hurricane or not riding in a safe manner.
you got a link to that protaper site, cause the one i found doesn't seem to offer that many.
to get rid of any missunderstandings, what do you mean with a more agressive position.
wider bars, lower, more forward...?