Has anybody received a fine for L.E.D's on there bike?

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Semi-related: is it legal use those brake light modulators? Or does it vary by state (I live in IL)? I'd like to put one on my '09 XT.
I have blue LED parking lights on my 1125R... Never been pulled over once. it varies from state to state though... in NM you cant have strobing blue or red LED's, but if they are a constant color, then you dont have to worry. LED's in general are not illegal, just specific colors in certain states. Most cars are using LED's for their stock brake lights now, and motorcycles are too. most states are cool with them as long as you arent trying to immitate/impersonate an emergency response vehicle.
Im in Ca an I know you cant have blue or red lights on your bike. Thats how you can tell if its a cop or not ( motorcycle cop). The cops have blue lights on, I belive on the back of the bike or on their plates.
This is what I wired up last night. I think it'll be subtle enough for me to not get any tickets, but it'll still do a good job of lighting stuff up to show off what's inside the airbox. I like that you can't actually see the LEDs either.

I do, I had a bigger switch that I just left under the seat before, but I had to stop and get off the bike to pull the seat and turn it off. I found a mini switch in my basement so I wired it up with that and it'll fit perfectly in the plastic undertray in that gap between the seat and subframe rails so I can just reach down and turn it off while I'm riding if I need to, and you'll never see it otherwise. I'll see how it looks at night when spring comes, I may stick one more LED strip in there to double the light, but I'll see how it goes.
Looks cool upthemaiden!

I was thinking of doing the same thing, sorta. I have Hero Blue air box, and was going to line the inside perimeter with white LED's. But I am also planning on making a clear filter lid airbox delet and planned on Red LED's inside the filter. I want to hook it up to an ignition signal and make the lights fire every other ignition event so it will look like a beating heart and speed up/slow down with engine RPM's. Even thought about making another airbox, but making it look like a rib cage under the hero blue box and again making red LED heart beat.

My leds are red, but it works because the airbox is red. Someday I want to get blue plastics too, but I'll just leave the red stuff in there. I've seen some cool ones where it's lined on the outside of the filter. Makes it super bright, but it's just hard to get them in there so you can't see them. It would definitely be cool if you painted the airbox on the inside with a design that you could see well when you turned the lights on.

Wiring it up to the motor sounds like a cool idea. You could probably wire it right into a spark plug wire or something like that. You're getting into stuff that'll way over my head now. I've thought a clear top to the airbox delete would be cool, even without the lights, but I'm didn't want to lose the funnel that goes above the velocity stack. Would be cool if someone made a transparent airbox delete kit. There are so many cool ideas for aftermarket parts for our bikes that no one makes. I'd make them if I knew how to mold plastic!
Never gotten a ticket or stopped in michigan ,north or south Carolina
But within 5 minutes of unloading my bike outside of millwaki Wisconsin I had gotten a warning the they see blue as impersonating a police officer.
An hour later on the expressway to Troy I got stopped agian and had to disconnect them.
My gf was following me in the truck and said I look like a blue ball of glow at night.
All black 1125r at night I rather be over visable than invisable

I always prayed they would pull me over. At night i was a big orange ball. But since it is orange they couldnt do anything about it. I passed them on the street all the time, none tried anything.



was pulled over once (knock on wood) but not for the leds. was for doing 70 on my back wheel while "engaging in a speed contest" lmao. but my leds were on so i figured i'd ask him. missouri cop said "not illegal because i cant see the bulbs". good enough for me :)
they're not really as bright as they seem. just took the pics with the camera on "twilight" mode and they soaked up a lot of light. i mean, they're not dim or anything.
Look good! I love light. Im doing a black light behind my seat and led fog lights in my mini air scoops. :) Im also getting a blue led decepticon to accent my orange light. Should look kick ass. Ill post pics when done

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