2005 XB9R Ok so I first noticed this back on Memorial weekend as I was riding home from the track (Indy 500). On the highway and all of a sudden my headlights went out completely for just a few seconds, then BAM right back on!! So fast forward to a week or so ago and It does the same thing on me (this time im out in the middle of corn fields, lol), but I now noticed that its the entire dash that goes out as well. So I noticed that while holding the switch that it didn't do it as much, so I assumed it was the switch itself. Ended up buy a used switch off of ebay (I know, I know) But no sooner do I replace the switch and fire the bike up, BOOM headlights go out. So fast forward to just this past weekend and I let my buddy borrow it (he was the original owner) and he noticed that a few times after turning the key on and flipping the ign switch that the fuel pump didn't prime. So he wiggled the switch and instantly it would come on. Now ive done some reading on here and it looks as tho the ignition switch can be a normal culprit of a lot of odd hiccups and bugs. So my question is this Does it sound like I might be having a faulty ignition switch, a shorted wire somewhere, or possibly 2 different issues now showing their faces on a bike that has given me little to no issues in the last 8 years of ownership. Also the battery was replaced at the end of last year and when not being ridden its on a tender. Thanks in advance everyone!!