I applied, Im not too sure about all the distractions this helmet might be offering, after all, Riding requires 110% concentration, However I AM very interested in the rear view and safety elements as well as the navigation, not so much the telephone aspects, people shouldnt be on the phone when riding or driving,
I was hit HARD from behind while on my bike by a drunk driver (her 75mph) (me 45mph) and im pretty paranoid about driving at all, and freak out still, But im fine riding except even more hyper vigilant than before and more aggressive, You cant take me out from behind if im hauling ass, . So the rear view camera and safety aspects are interesting. Worth a shot.
BTW, I have become SUPER sensitive to idiots texting while driving, I have,, err ahem,, thrown plastic soda bottles at a few people as well while driving and texting. So dont text, and I wont throw **** at you. It has gotten so bad the govt is spending local tax dollars here to equip public transportation with beepers because so many idiot pedestrians are walking out in front of busses, trains and vehicles. Freakin idiots!