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I bought the carbon Shark 900 a few years back, it's been pretty decent for the price. Nowhere near as quiet or the airflow of my old Arai Corsair but almost half the price.
Which HJC, Chicken?

SR: Thats a nice high-end AGV:up:, but they got the number wrong:angel: haha.

My AGV is the cheapy version of that one (plastic shell:(), but the right racer got the tribute colors right:) About $220 and its quiet, fits me really well, vents REALLY well, fit my Send 20s fine, and has a drop down tinted screen. Its a little heavy, but well worth the $$.

It would be a great helmet for you Chicken, if it fits over your beak:eagerness: Size up though, they run small.
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OK, I will jump in--Schuberth is the best yet as far as I am concerned. First, they are quiet. Then there is the internal drop down sunglasses which have saved me more than once. they are wired for Bluetooth or what ever. Their customer service is outstanding.

Mine is the S2 which is probably obsolete now. They have an anti fog panel which really works. Don't like the flip up front model.

Different tints are available for the main visor and they are easy to change out.

Hey Opto! yes, the S-2 is still available and not obscenely expensive for such a nice helmet. I hope you are using yours:angel:

I will X1000 that the drop down tinted visor is a game changer for a helmet for road use:eagerness:
I’m going with the HJC RPHA ST knuckle.
I like what I’ve seen and read in reviews concerning fit, function, accessories, features and noise.
Also I got real lucky and Wally’s hooking me up with a great deal on one!
I’ll let you all know what I think as soon as I get some cranium time with it.
Not only did I hook Carlos up with a square deal I left some track day tech stickers, free practice tech stickers, and ccs race tech stickers on the chin. Chics love that sh!t.....lol
I hear that WickedChop sweats pure testosterone, at least that what the ladies tell me.

Thanks for hooking up a fellow Bueller, you are gentleman and a scholar.:eagerness:

Lol......I sweat geritol......and no pronlem, Carlos is my boy. It's an amazing sport bike street/track helmet. I needed to step it up to full race so Caros helped me out as much as I'm helping him out. I pulled the trigger on a brand new HJC RPHA 11 Pro Carbon.
The GT Air does have the drop down tinted visor as well. I don't have that on my X-11. Occasionally I've gotten burned with the sun going down and I have my tinted visor
I had been away from motorcycles for a couple of decades when I decided it was time to start riding again about 7 or 8 years ago. I came across a 1983 Honda VF750F Interceptor not too far from me and had always loved the look of those back in the day. I had no riding gear at the time and wasn't sure I was going to want the bike so didn't want to go and quickly invest in a bunch of gear without doing any research. But, I also knew that I was going to need a helmet to satisfy local law enforcement if I ended up liking the bike and buying it. So, I went to our local Goodwill and found an old helmet that looked a lot like this...same color and everything. The padding was essentially non-existent and was probably more of a danger to wear than not wearing a helmet at all. But, I bought it for like $5. I ended up wearing it to ride that Interceptor home. I wish I would have taken a pic. Me riding that bike wearing the sparkling blue 70s helmet and my business casual attire from work. :black_eyed: Needless to say I quickly went and did the research to start buying some real gear. I've gone through a few helmets as I've honed in on what I like. I just bought my first Shoei. A GT Air 2. Expensive, but it is the highest quality helmet I've owned (previous were Scorpion and HJC).

20190515_192045.jpg20190515_192115.jpg20190515_192144.jpg Carlos got his new lid and mine showed up today. HJC RPHA 11 Pro Carbon. Unbelievable lid, full race system. Emergency side pods that I hope I NEVER have to use, EMS can pull em in case of a get off that leaves the rider incapacitated and the helmet can be removed safely and quickly.
^^^^^^ Shaughn, I think I would suggest the HJC RPHA ST 70 instead it's more of a street/track helmet. The 11 is full blown race, no power windows (drop down internal visor), and it's shape is not designed for 3/4 street riding position. To be perfectly honest I think the 70 is a much better looking lid. If I didn't need full race specs I would've bought the 70 all day long.Screenshot_2019-05-18-23-36-40.jpg That is one damn good looking helmet!!!!!!
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