Help, Blowing Fuses

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2009
I have poked around to find the answer for my problem but I am still not 100% with an answer.

So I blew the acces 10a fuse that works the signals and gauges, I traced it back to loose wires at my front turn signals. Then I taped up the loose wires and it seemed to work until I hit the turn signal and it blew again. Could this be other loose wires somewhere else or is it most likely the flasher? any help with this would be great.
I would run through the whole turn signal system looking for a short. The fact that the fuse blew when you turned on the switch makes me think that there's either a short within the switch assembly or somewhere after it. That's where I would focus my attention.
My eight-tentacled friend is no doubt right, since it happens right when you turn on the signals, but just in case, I have also heard of problems on the 10A Acc. fuse coming from the extra running light wire up at the headlight. Apparently, some have experienced that wire rubbing through against something up in that area, as a result of the left or right turning action. If you don't find it in the signal system, check up there by turning the bars extreme left/extreme right, and seeing if you can see where the wire(s) might be abrading. I, too, have an occasional, pesky, random popping of the acc. fuse, not seeming to be linked to anything in particular, so I am going in there this winter to look at that.
Another good spot for inconsistent shorting is the steering head area where all the wires are bundled together into a mess and pass through it - pretty tight in there.
Cool I figured it out. It ended up only blowing the fuse when I Hit my LEFT turn signal. so I pulled the signal apart and sure enough some wire had frayed out and was exposed.

Now the problem is the check engine light is on. I know the engine is in good shape because I have only put about 30 miles on it since I got it. I blew about 6 fuses before I fixed it, could this of caused any issues that would trip check engine??

oh and its an 12R with an S tail. I'm trying to build a custom front piece to hide the wires. I would like to change the harness out but no space or proper tools

thanks for all the help
Steven, yeah I don't have a ECMSpy to check my codes. I will give the other method a try though. Im kinda nervous though as I am a newbie to this thing especially electronics.
Thanks for the help