Help! -- Funnel tip fell inside rear swing arm reservoir..

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This is what I would use. The nicer ones have a small LED light at the tip that should come in handy.

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You gonna hurry up because of each second oil is slowly dissolving that rubber piece and you end up not finding this piece anymore so you will have to buy new funnel. I would not able to sleep knowing this rubber is infecting my motorcycle oil system.
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You gonna hurry up because of each second oil is slowly dissolving that rubber piece and you end up not finding this piece anymore so you will have to buy new funnel. I would not able to sleep knowing this rubber is infecting my motorcycle oil system.

Wow, Tea bag, That must be some BAD ASS oil, What brand is it ????? I gonna hurry up get some.
Yeah, I thin oil with some acetone to increase viscosity for that cold days and to keep my oil system clean you know. But even if you do not use acetone to thin the oil it consists some gasoline due to blow by. Gasoline and acetone will eat that rubber thing.

My favorite oil is Mobil 1 v-twin. It is super aggressive oil for aggressive riding style.
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Yeah, I thin oil with some acetone to increase viscosity for that cold days and to keep my oil system clean you know. But even if you do not use acetone to thin the oil it consists some gasoline due to blow by. Gasoline and acetone will eat that rubber thing.

My favorite oil is Mobil 1 v-twin. It is super aggressive oil for aggressive riding style.

Can I use M.E.K. ??
Only if you want to get maximum out of your oil and your motorcycle and are ready to push it to the limit.
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clearly Paul and/or the site moderators have either lost complete control of this board or have just given up. the amount of bull**** and trolling on here is absolutely pathetic. and yes TEABAG you dip****'re the ring leader.

redsaw: don't know where you're located but my dealership is in southern PA.....17540. throw it on your truck or trailer and bring it by and i'll resolve this for you free of charge. otherwise send me an email and i'll explain to you how to fish this thing out in about 5 minutes time. [email protected]
I'm so glad he's with us. Only he can keep this board from falling into deep dark hole and handle any situation.
We did so many stupid things but he's still here and is ready to support us regardless our stupidity. I can't believe such man exists.
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You need something that will allow you to try to feel for the rubber tip. Get a couple of Oxy/Acetylene welding rods from a welding supply house, hardware store, (some carry them) or go to a welding shop and tell them your tale of woe, they'll probably give you a couple.

Gas weld rod, (not brazing or arc welding rod) is thin, somewhat flexible but rigid. You can bend it to any shape you want and use it as a probe to search and feel for the rubber piece. Once you feel it you can move it towards the drain hole where you can pull it out. Its thin so you'll be able to use it with a bore scope.

I'm sure you've fingered it out but just ignore Tpehak.

Sometimes it is OK to just lighten up and be a bit silly. Even Tnag has pulled in his horns somewhat and actually paid you a compliment. Somewhat sideways, but a step in the right direction.

We will all get serious again tomorrow I am sure and as Cooter says --beers all around. Hop on a jet in August and go riding with us up to Crater Lake/Marion berry pie. You can use one of my bikes.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, they say.

Sorry everybody to flog this but I confess curiosity--did the guy ever get his piece of rubber out of the swingarm or not?

Currently waiting for the camera to arrive from amazon. I cant see or feel anything inside the swing arm from the available view angles. Having a big head is adding a level of difficulty.
That Amazon camera I gave you link for is awesome. I used it to inspect valves and pistons.

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