Help, my new XB12r is dying!

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First thing that came to mind is a fuel-related problem - like mentioned above, if the bike sat, the gas aged and the fuel varnished up one or more fuel system component, effectively clogging up the fuel flow. When that happens, it often requires disassembly to clean or rebuild (or worse case, replace) the affected component. Modern fuels containing alcohol are BAD for that...the gum that forms when it sits even a little while. Every body should be using a superior fuel treatment religiously. You will never regret using it - but you WILL regret not using it. So once you get this taken care of - and you will - going forward, use a a good fuel treatment.
Take the power commander off. if the ECM looses power it will try to learn all over again ....Learning ride ,,,Stock ECM is confused and so is the Power commander
Hence Timing is off Fueling is Off. The Power commander Did not work well on the Newer XB ECM PERIOD with out a lot of Dyno work. This is nothing the local Tuners can not do with the stock ECM or Race ECM ........
I have had to reprogram older chipped vehicles the same way. Take it to stock first If you can When you piggy back it can Cause problems.
Plus I don't even thing Power commander really supported 2008 Buell
I would be willing to bet the ECM is not working proplerly.Because most buells usually do not work well with A power Commander Set up. Too rich a mixture one Minute then not enough the Next. Individual Tuning is a better way to go on that. OR if that is not your thing Erik Buell has an ECM that works good for 08+ Buells.
But please hold off on any Tuning till you get the Bike Running at least with the changes done already. This way you know what you have.! ONCE the add on is off then USE the Key Turn Method TPS reset so the Engine will Idle properly.Usually at 1'100RPMs w/ A Stock ECM. Removing the Add on Pack-PWR/Commander is (first) on the list!! Otherwise Flooding and Wet plugs stalling and restarting are costly on the Engine and the Stock Ecm can Relearn the Changes AS Long AS they are only small Changes,
You Must do the TPS reset especially of Any buell built 2008 through 2010! Save that for [After] the Removal of the Power Commander. Just trace the wires to where the power commander wiring goes.
Make sure to [Disconnect] the Battery. Remove the wires that are from the Commanders harness and tape them off ONE at a Time. Once you have Traced the Wires to where they are hooked up remove and then completely off the Bike. If the Wires were cut OR Spliced USE LiQuid Tape from any Hardware Store comes in a small can with Brush inside.Takes several Hours to fully Cure.
Vinyl(black)Tape will not hold up. When you remove that piece of #%*- just e-bay it or something and Set your bike up using the Stock ECM. Once you get it running good STOCK wise then move on to your next steps. When Changing the Air Filter and installing an Aftermarket exhaust the ECM while riding it will learn the changes to some extent.
NOW, you will get Decellation poping when changing the Stock Exhaust to something else, but will not hurt the Engine. The off throttle poping will be annoying after a while but get Her riding First. Once you have put at least SAY 80/MILES on the Bike riding wise this way you know it works good Stock, you can fill up w/ premium. Then right there do a TPS reset there with NO Computer, just a key turn and throttle Twisting Method. Please Read up and if you [can't find] the Method One of us Will post the Method for you. Small things First!
Never Twist the Throttle while trying to start the Engine. Never Jump Start the Bike with a Running Vehicle Especially a Diesel!! Post up once you have removed the Power Commander. The Throttle Position Sensor Reset- [TPS]- must be done about Every 2 to 3 fill ups on the newer Buells. It is Quick and easy once practiced a few times.
Post up and take your time.You can Individually Re-Tune the ECM here with the help of Tuniversity schooling but get Her Riding First!This way you know what you've Got! Welcome to the Buell XB Forum.*Jimi[up]

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