HELP!!!!!!!!! Third post from me on the subject I know!!!!!!!

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looks right...

edit: when baby mama gets here to pick up my little lady I'll go out and take a pic of mine, see if there's a difference
I thought so but apparently not? The front of the seat is messed up with the spacers out and the rear with them in??? Thanks Wolf




there you go, and now I'm thoroughly annoyed, she left and waited about 3 minutes then called me and talked my ear off til midnight.
hope this helps Kuntreeboy...

stock seat for 2003 XB9S P/N: M0090.1AD and this is what your tail should look like when you complete the conversion with the exception of the ECM and fuse box
Thin seat says: M0090. 1AC
Thick seat says: M0090.1AJ

Wolf it almost looks like the front of yours fgoes farther toward the spring than mine!! After last night I am thinking something with the front hook is where my problem is!!!!
it looks a little different, but if the bolt holes mount up I'd think it'd still work
I thought the same thing however I cant get it to go any lower? Might try to remove the bracket and see what happens when I get home but the groove on the back of the seat SEEMS to line up with it bolt?
I would at least give it a shot. Im trying to compare pics and that was the only thing I thought could be a problem. I hope it gets figured out for you.
I'd take off the front bolts and see if it will slide in if it has that little bit of free play. if it helps then you could make something to drop the front as much as you need. just make sure it doesn't hit the spring
I think I am going to try to move some things around when I get home, maybe the Positive battery cable and the rear shock res. I might just strip the damn thing compoletely down again and start from scratch!!!!!! If it dont work I am packing the damn thing up and driving it 7 hours up to jakestolar's house and get this bitch working!!!!!!
For what it's worth, on my '08 12S it's a royal p-in-a to get the seat off. On isn't an issue, but off requires lots of wrestling. Still don't have the touch...
Yeah cowboy mine just doesnt wanna co-operate I would much rather have a seat that was on that didnt wanna ome off!!! At least I could ride!! My bike's been down almost three months now!!!!! The weather is PERFECT here right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!