High performance intake manifold flanges for 2008-2010 Buell XB

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I know that a regular o-ring will work fine for both applications. But if you wanted to over engineer this thing... You may consider a square edged o-ring on the head intake side where there is a flush surface. (We use these on hydraulic solenoid plates for greater surface area.)


Good Luck.
Alright, I have detached the throttle body. I see no any cracks on throttle body and cylinder head. I prepared the throttle body for new flanges. To be able to attach the flange with o-ring on the throttle body you need to put chamfer on it.

I mask all throttle body opening with tape and towels, marked 0.8 mm chamfer line and prepared file


Then did the 0.8mm chamfer with file


Then I took a bunch of sandpapers sheets form grade 240 to grade 2500 and started finishing chamfer from roughest grade sandpaper to finest grade



And here is result



A little bit oil on o-ring and the flange pops on the throttle body tube nice and very snug

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Very good news! The flanges have been installed and work fine! Leakage test with carb cleaner shows no leakage at all, sprayed them all way around, no any RPM change! IAC position is 5-8 at 225 Celsius which is higher than before when the throttle body had leakage. Wow! It just works instantly after quick sloppy installation. Installation is super easy, no need to hold the flanges and gaskets together like you do with original design trying to keep them together to not fall apart and aligning all this crap at the same time, gaskets and flanges snugly hold themself, just slap the flanges with gaskets on the throttle body then slap this stuff on the engine, tighten bolts, done, works immediately, no freaking lottery anymore with crappy original gaskets and flanges, no wasting time, easy!

I replaced the original flanges bolts by another longer bolts (since the flanges are thicker than original flanges) with flanges for better load distribution (Hex Head Screw, Flanged, 5/16"-18 Thread Size, 7/8" Long https://www.mcmaster.com/#92316a315/=1abgdar ).


Standard size Viton gaskets you can buy on McMAster. You need two sizes o-ring for tube seal and for flange seal:
-Chemical-Resistant Viton® Fluoroelastomer O-Ring Super-Resilient, 3/32 Fractional Width, Dash No.135 https://www.mcmaster.com/#1288n229/=1abgg37
-Chemical-Resistant Viton® Fluoroelastomer O-Ring Super-Resilient, 3/32 Fractional Width, Dash No.133 https://www.mcmaster.com/#1288n227/=1abgg3y

Here is assembled throttle body with flanges and gaskets


They lay on the cylinder head face nice and flat



High performance flange CAD model and drawing you can download here and build your own parts https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vF8v4Zr-2_sdBrUI6FePkD5mI0qZJnQI/view?usp=sharing

I recommend you to use 17-4 PH stainless steel for the flanges.
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See, try to avoid the made up problems and give your all to the real problems and, you can invent the better mouse trap !

Very nice job !

P.S. Since most of us cannot make something like this, you might want to look into mass production and sell a package with everything included, I know I would be interested in buying a kit, when it comes time to redo mine.
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See, try to avoid the made up problems and give your all to the real problems and, you can invent the better mouse trap !

Very nice job !

P.S. Since most of us cannot make something like this, you might want to look into mass production and sell a package with everything included, I know I would be interested in buying a kit, when it comes time to redo mine.
See that is the problem with him! He shows the stuff he makes but would never think of making it to sell to forum members. Personally don't think I would buy from him because of the other failed stuff he made. Will say it looks good and might work pretty well. When people ask him he just doesn't want to be bothered with it. All me,not you ,look what I can do!!!!!!! And that is just a shame.
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Update. Installed these flanges second time after cylinders work. No leakage at all right after first try.
Update. Installed these flanges second time after cylinders work. No leakage at all right after first try.

Hi, hope everybody are well.

I’m from France and I have a XB12 2009 with intake leak problem.

I tried to do this high performance flange. It’s works but i still have a little leak.

I kept the origin bolts, do you think it’s the problem ?

You could follow the step-by-step descriptions and pictures in this thread to do it yourself.


IMO, if your intake gaskets are leaking you should just replace them with new ones. No need to obsess.

Probably I will make some myself...

And the reason I need them is because I have XR1200 cylinder heads on my XB12 XT which are slightly wider between the mounting surfaces than XB heads that I had originally.
Most of the photos are on xlforum.
Buell section there is very quiet, I guess I should be coming here more often :)




Let us know when you get that all plumbed up and going. I always thought this was a great direction Harley was going, and was disappointed it didnt carry through.

What subforum on XLforums are the pics on? I did a search through the various ones, but there are a lot of them.
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Let us know when you get that all plumbed up and going. I always thought this was a great direction Harley was going, and was disappointed it didnt carry through.

What subforum on XLforums are the pics on? I did a search through the various ones, but there are a lot of them.

It's already finished and I have covered about 3K miles on it :)
Fuel map still needs attention but before I continue with it I would like to upgrade the flanges to make sure I don't have any leaks.

Here is the title of the thread on xlforum. I just refreshed the pictures because they were on photobucket before....
Buell XB12XT converted to 1250 with XR1200 heads
