Holy **** im buying a Buell!!

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Feb 25, 2010
Hey all! First time poster and soon to be first time motorcycle owner here!
So ive finagled what I believe to be a pretty good deal (4K cash) on a 2007 Buell Firebolt. It has around 6K miles on it, some cool looking after market stuff that really makes it pop IMO, and i want to get the opinion of some other Buell owners on what im getting myself into.

Here's a link to pictures/info of the bike: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...0532986245&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT

Here's a video of it too: http://www.youtube.com/user/nexus8126#p/a/u/0/PRKVtlFa9-8

It's gonna be quite a drive for me to go pick it up so please please please let me know your thoughts. Is $4000 a good price? I think so cuz it retails on kbb for $5400. I've read a lot of sites about what to look for when buying a used bike, but what should i make sure to look for with THIS bike? I'm first time everything here so help a future rider out please! :D
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That is a sharp looking bike DIYer. Lots of good extras that cost all of us DIY'ers a bit to get ahold of. Good find. I would scoop that up and not think twice. Good luck.
Hey man, that looks like an awesome deal. How'd you talk him down to $4000? The ebay auction started at $4500 with a BIN of $7k? You got lucky, especially with spring right around the corner.

Congrats and make sure to let us know all about it after you go pick it up!
Nice clean bike with nice mods.
Good price i wouldn't go much more than that knowing you can get new 1125's for 7k ish otd
Actully what i paid for my cityx with no mods last year.
I don't regret it one bit
hmm got my 07xb12r for $5g's with only 600 miles. still a good deal though. theres a member on here that bought and installed all carbonfiber fairings to replace all the plastic on that same color scheme bike. man does it look sick in the sunlight!!!!
Nice one mate!!
Pucks& translucent airbox-I like![up]
I do think that's a good deal .I wouldn't think twice to snatch it up if I didn't have one already.
As a first time rider ,I would recomend you take a riding course or some form of additional training& safety class.

Welcome to the family&be safe!!
See you in the corners:D
hey DIYer i see you were a riddle student! me too i went to the daytona campus... oh and welcome and nice bike :D
sweet I actually just got threw buying all of the body work for my firebolt to make it those colors. I tell you what that airbox was the hardest to find used and so I had ended up buying one new and it ran me over $200 for it alone.
Welcome to the Forum! The '07 is one of the better years of XB's to get. Everything looks great, but the proof will be when you see it in person. Sounds like an awesome deal though. Good luck with you're hunt.

If you're a 1st time rider, definitely suggest a Rider's course before you ever mount it.
Hey guys, thanks for the input, and keep it coming please!

I totally plan to ride something other then the firebolt first. I called a buddy and got plans to go out with him and his 250cc dirt bike in a few days before i make the trip across country to get the Buell. I know its nothing near what im buying, but it will at least get me use to the hand foot coordination a bit.

Anyone know what the laws in Nevada are about getting a bike license? My brother told me about having to bring another ride along to the test and i don't think i know anyone that rides, lol!

Hey stevenc150, why's the 07 one of the better years for XB's man? :p

Hey upthemadeum, how'd i get um down to 4k? well it didn't sell for $4500 on feebay so i told um lets do a deal off feebay which was gonna charge them $150 for the sale anyway, so they were only gonna clear 4350, and well it didn't sell so i said 4K and they said yes! The husband is in Korea now (military) and i gather shes on her way there too (also military i think) so i guess they gotta get rid of it ya know.

Now i gather the title (Alabama title btw) is in his name but she said she has power of attorney or maybe both names are on it, i don't know but she said it wont be a problem to transfer to me. I don't guess it really matters as long as its the real title and the bike is as advertised. As long as i have both its mine i would think :p
Hey stevenc150, why's the 07 one of the better years for XB's man?
- HAS the upgrades (belt, performance oil pump gear, 43mm forks instead of 41mm, larger fuel cap., redesigned swingarm)

- LACKS, the newer "learning" ECM which isn't programmable with the free ECMSpy program. ;)
Great find! I think we can all say that we could find what's left of brand new Buells and get a great deal on one, but for any of us who have bought in the last year or two, $4,500 for that bike is a great deal in the broad spectrum of used Buells. Better deal than I got! Congrats!
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Hey stevenc150, why's the 07 one of the better years for XB's man?
- HAS the upgrades (belt, performance oil pump gear, 43mm forks instead of 41mm, larger fuel cap., redesigned swingarm) 

- LACKS, the newer "learning" ECM which isn't programmable with the free ECMSpy program. 

Have you not seen the latest post ecm spy is back and you can do them all
Complete D&D Drummer Muffler in stalled and is very loud with a rich bass feeling and tone.

a D&D is one pipe a Drummer is another. the video is too dark to tell what he has on there but it could be a home hack pipe (nothing wrong with most hack pipes but if its not what he says it is... )

he also claims it has seen 150 MPH [confused]

be careful one lie means that there may be others. if its clean its a good find. if the guy is hustling then its not. either that or he doesn't know what he is talking about or doing when he wrenches on the bike and that can be just as bad or worse.

the double fast blinders because he forgot to install a new flasher relay, the 1125r mirrors didn't look like they worked yet in the video and I have no idea what he was talking about with the terminal block to keep the HD dealer from playing with his bike.
You don't believe it would do 150 or you don't buy the pipe talk before that? What do u think it a "lie"? Or do you think doing 150 is bad? Cuz ill try it at least once :) ...no really, what do you think is bad? Would you ask for less and if so for what?
He obviously does not know what pipe he has on his bike lie or not. From what i could tell the pipe MIGHT be an old drummer at best(before kevin started putting the shiny end plate). 150 out of a xb is hog wash it will do about 130ish before it is hitting the rev limiter.