as an elder statesman on this site i can assure you that we do NOT hate newcomers. quite to the contrary our philosophy has always been and continues to be "welcome aboard" and "the more the merrier". new board members typically receive pointers and instructions on downloading manuals, board search procedures to save the torrent of new topics and save the new member time and aggravation, and tons of assistance if required. approximately 99 % of them are extremely thankful to have joined this board and for the advice and assistance they receive. then there's you. typically you already know the answer to the very topic you're initiating. said topic then invariably segues into "look at me"...."look what i have"...."look what i just bought". and so it goes. unfortunately for you and your generalized type, there are some incredibly smart people as well as a few extremely wealthy folks on this site. no one person, particularly you, is capable of one-upping the verbal jousting that can be delivered on here....or out-spending or out-collecting a few other individuals that lurk on here but typically are extremely hesitant and too modest to display their wares or possessions. purchase all the ducatis that your little heart desires and continue posting up those lovely "fresh bike on carpet" pics. but be advised that for every purchase of yours that you decide to announce.... i for one will be rolling out one of my virtually priceless artifacts to help off-set your incredible braggadocio.