How do you carry your DSLR camera on your Buell?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Glendale, AZ
I know there are many excellent photographers here, so how do you guys safely carry your camera, lenses, flash, etc.?
I have considered carrying it in the tank bag, but I am concerned about vibration. I could pad it with foam, but how much is enough, what kind should I use and where can I buy it?
A backpack would solve the vibration issue, but is not convenient or comfortable.
Suggestions? Cautions? War stories?
You might just need to find a better backpack. I completely forget I even have my bag on when I use it. I think that's probably your answer, you just need to find the right one.

Make sure you take your riding jacket with you to try one one. My normal jacket feels perfect with it. If I try to wear my winter jacket it's a nightmare, the shoulder pads shift weird and I can barely handle it. That jacket needs replaced anyway.
I put my gear in a vanguard up-rise 43 sling bag then I put my camera in a tank bag for easy access when going down the road.

Ill be getting a different camera bag in the future because I don't use the sling bag as intended very much now that I have a hip holster for my camera.
Delta that camera gear you have makes me jealous and my best camera is only my Iphone 4. [smirk] Guess I dig expensive stuff, so materialistic [confused]

Hell just the bag looks killer
I use a Lowepro Mini Trekker when I'm taking multiple lenses


And I use a Buell tail bag when I'm just taking a camera and no accessories. I prefer to use the tail bag. It's the perfect size and shape for a DSLR.

I need to get me a nice camera but haven't the slightest to what a beginning camera guy would need. I am not looking for professional pictures, crazy multiple lens type stuff just some a clear fast action capable camera. I would like something that can Zoom say from on top of buildings or what not for horizon pics.

Not looking to spend a huge amount of money but what is available for $600-$1000?
Nikon D90's are cheap now used. They are amazing cameras. You could get one with a decent lens for $700. If you're willing to spend more, Nikon just came out with the D7000($1500 for camera and lens kit) that shoots 1080p video and does continuous auto focus which is bad ass. I'm getting one as soon as I sell my integra.
And I use a Buell tail bag when I'm just taking a camera and no accessories. I prefer to use the tail bag. It's the perfect size and shape for a DSLR.

I can't do that because it's too hard to whip out as I go down the road ;)
Thankfully when I do bring the DSLR I only carry my 18-200VR lens. I never use my D80 since I got my D40, D40 is so much smaller. I have soft side saddle bags, so a sweat shirt or hoodies wraps it up just fine.
I have a lowepro bag for when I need to take a lot of my gear w/laptop, but when I start putting a lot in it, it gets pretty heavy. For casual shooting I carry a gripped body with lens attached, external flash, and a few accessories in my kata 3n1-10 sling bag...X the straps across my chest and it's not moving anywhere. Plus it's very light and comfortable, so even on longer rides I don't feel it.
we use a padded bag, then padding around it. Way too much $$ invested into our gear to end up with issues from vibrations!
we use a padded bag, then padding around it. Way too much $$ invested into our gear to end up with issues from vibrations!

I hold it in my left hand, not a lot of vibration that way. :D[up]
