How hot RSS

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Feb 3, 2012
What are the riding temps you guys are riding in with the rss. Im moving to alabama in june and ill be using my xb9 as a commuter every day. Ill be going to work in the mornings when its dark and still cool but coming home around 4 when its not so dark and not so cool. I'm looking into an rss but was wondering it it is really necessary or just a convenience. thanks for you input.
My fan used to run after every ride . After rss even on hot days it does not run. If i get caught in traffic it will but it makes a huge difference so i highly recomend it. Dollar for dollar best mod ive made.
I went to mdi carbon fiber. They are very nice to work with. And cheap prices for the top notch quality! You can get both left and right side shipped for $199. I got mine in the twill pattern. But the reason I went carbon fiber is cause a nice "factory" looking rss that isn't the uly comfort kit, that doesn't match the LSS, is gonna run you $250 and up. Also on asb or something just one side is about $250. So I got both right and left from mdi and I couldn't be happier!!!

I will when I get a chance. I don't have a digital camera. I've got to borrow my parents'. But the website is when I ordered it they didn't have it posted so I emailed them and they said they still carried it. And it would be 3-4 weeks turn around time and they emailed me an invoice.

Walls......Its Tx. Nothing short of a radiator will keep the fan from coming on down here.
Walls......Its Tx.  Nothing short of a radiator will keep the fan from coming on down here.
I know but so many people say that the RSS makes a huge difference in their fans running time but there was no difference in mine.
BuellSki not sure where you were looking and saw prices in the 200$ range but i can get an rss from for 49$ and I've seen some go cheer on ebay. i do like the symmetrical look of some of the carbon ones. just out of curiosity i am a huge diy and enjoy dining projects . has anyone successfully made a rss? i appreciate all the input and it looks as though the wife is gonna need to up my allowance couse i think i need a rss. take that back i do need an rss. ill just tell her she can go get some new shoes after words and shell forget all about it
you guys need to get tthe reflash for fan operation. I dont have a rss and my fan barely ever runs after a ride these days.
Type into the search bar right side scoop. There are a bunch of threads on them. Personally. I'm not trying to bash anybody. But I think the comfort kit looks like crap and the other large scoop from Buell that you can see the bolt on the outside just looks bad. I wanted something that looks exactly like the left side. So I spent a little extra money and got what I wanted.

i totally get what your saying. some of them do look like a chopped up milk carton painted black. i just have a hard time getting the lady in my life to let me spend 200$ on a couple of scoops to cool my bike off. <--- she just don't understand sometimes.
I like the idea of the RSS, but I also think the RSS from the comfort kit looks odd. I wouldn't say it looks awful, but just strange. I think it makes it worse too since it almost matches the left scoop, but not quite. It either needs to be identical or not close to the same IMO to look right.

I bought the stock mini RSS scoop that came on 2010 XB models for $15 from HD. I haven't used it yet but I bought it more for appearance than anything. If it helps temps that's a bonus.
You should let your ole lady ride the bike on a hot day. And when she complains about her leg burning up. Just be like see it'll be a good investment!!

Bought one used few weeks ago, drive daily, and never heard my fan since. I'm glad other people said that aswell, I was beginning to wonder if its broke or somethig. Also switched to amzoil from royal purple...couldn't say if that made a difference though.
I put the rss on my xb 12 and it made no difference,and I'm in New Hampsuh!!
I'm wondering if the guys who saw a difference are riding 9's or 12's.

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