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I would only request that I get a free belt guard lol.

I am planning a little contest in that the winner or winners would get a free guard before I start selling them. In return once they get the guard I would request that they would post their feedback on this thread telling others if it is worth the money or not. Just an idea that I came up with to make sure everybody is happy :D
since i'm the first to respond looks like i'm the winner? have you come up with a bottom one yet? oh yeah i have no problem donating some money for your time but not for the guard...wink,wink
haha the contest didn't even start yet. I will be starting the bottom guard soon. Will post pics when done.
Let me know what I can do for a free guard. From what I have read you should be able to sell the guards for profit, but in stead of selling the guard you sell your time, therefore you are not making a profit off their design, your making a profit off your time. I believe that is still legal.... I think. I will see if I can't think of some sweet designs other than my last one. Oh, actually, what if you just took the back half of the pegasus, the wing part and cut that into it with the wing forming to the curve of the metal? I think that would look pretty sweet!
I know there are a ton of awesome designs that could be done with the logo and simple changes but until I have verification that it's not going to violate any copyright or trademark laws I don't want to chance it.
Keep your eyes peeled for a contest in the next few days and you might score a free guard. Also I may be willing to take trades for a guard. I am looking for LED blinkers, mirror block offs, bar end mirrors, and that's it! So don't contact me with anything else for now please.
Maybe you could alter the design ever so slightly? Like keep the wings & make the head a triangle?
Just brainstorming--which is tough with all this celebratory alcohol sloshing around in it.....
I'm interested in an upper and possibly a lower belt guard for sure. Keep up the great work, I'll be watching as another potential buyer. :) I'd definitely powder coat the guards black to fit better with my black and orange 04' XB12R.
Got some new designs for you guys.



Also here is one design I came up with for the rider heel guard. Let me know if there is any other designs you would like to see, I have a few in mind and will get some pictures up when they are done.


I also made up a helmet hook. I'm not sure what the rest of you use but this is what I came up with. I made one similar to this a while back and have been using it but this one is a little more refined. Let me know opinions.


Love that helmet hook idea! I always wondered why the XB series didn't have a helmet hook on them when my 00 X1 has one that came factory. [up]
Maas--the hook is a great idea!
I still miss the Peg, but I understand why you'd rather not use it.
I miss the peg too. I think it still looked the best. Oh well, at least I'll be the only one running it then :D
Cant get in trouble if I don't sell it.. I think? lol
...& I'll continue to be jealous! :D

Another thought about the hook--you could make it smaller even, just for the D-ring! (??)
That's what I wanted to do but my helmet strap is too short and it didn't allow the seat to latch.
Got my guard (buell/1203) in the mail back home weeks ago, finally have it in my hands, awesome work, very quick delivery. On its way to the powder-coater soon. Will post pics when i get it wrenched on. Great workmanship and salesmanship Maas
Can you make heel gaurds with the xb9r on it for both rider and passenger and the belt guard the same with out the buell on there but horizontal slits in it. How much do you want for your time

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