How much crap has broken on your Buell?

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'05 12s 7900mi... not one single issue.
'05 12scg 6600mi... not one single issue.

Both bikes impeccably maintained, by me..
Mobil 1 v-twin 20-50 2000mi changes..(yeah, I know...)
Pilot Road 2's & dynabeads @ 4000mi both smooth ride..
Pre/post ride inspections always..
Common sense adjustments, preventative maint.
I have an Oct.2007 XB12r.Called an 2008 was in the shop for the factory recalls.Low beam unit,pri.,cover leak seals,starter,clutchcable bracket,Rims flaked,& the coughing at idle i had to fix due to EPA exhaust& ECM spy tweaks stopped that.Valve covers leaked,exhaust(module)on air box was 1st thing to go bad.they broke and scratched a few things.they Fixed up a few things.Signals turned white. Throttle tube&grip, fantemp.control,.The Orange Park Adamec shop was professional all the way, espically after i got ticked off . I know they were scratchen those heads over the coughing problem.I knew after the 7th.,trip over that it would be up to me to fix .They were getting tired of the bike.I've trained enough men for combat in my Beloved Corp., to see when a person can't do whats needed.So now it's Great to have her right.DANG!!!
08 12Ss

2 clutch cables (warranty)
1 clutch bracket
1 flyscreen - cracked
1 airbox cover - cracked
1 instrument cluster
a bone in my neck


but maybe that was the pavements fault LOL
The 3 Buells i've owned the past 5 years i've only had one thing break, my turn signal switch on my 09 Ss. [up]

GOD !! I hope I didn't jinx it !
Brake line recall on the front, battery strap, front rotor warped replaced under warranty, and last but not least the seat is starting to tear at the corners at the front( hopefully replaceable under warranty).
The only thing my Buell has broken is the hearts of a thousand ladies who have watched longingly as I ride off into the sunset.
That, and a front brake light switch.
08 XB12R - 1500miles

Melted clutch cable due to wireform break - covered under warranty, replaced wireform
Broken mirror, both rider pegs @ dif times - learning and dropped
Fouled plugs - my fault, dealer replaced for free
Broken F brake, grip, dented headers, dented swingarm, chewed belt, passenger peg mount, broken R brake lever, broken peg, dented rear wheel. - was stupid and tried playing around against a CBR1k. Cold tires, took a turn to fast, hit gravel and low sided. No injuries except my pride.

Near miss- got my 500m services, and got about 10m away from the dealer when I felt the ass end get squirrely. Pulled over, found the oil line on the swingarm was completely off. Had oil all over the ass end, a miracle it stayed under me. Dealer picked me up, refilled, cleaned, and had me back out the door in an hour.

If you're ever in NE PA, Electric City Harley in Scranton is an all around great dealer.
15k miles now, second owner, bought at 7k less then a year ago. Was near show room condition when I got it (not so much now, thats what riding all winter in new england will do).

-horn mount snapped (2 time)
-rear lower rocker box gasket leaking
-head light bulb
-fouled plugs a few times

Any thing else that has broke was my own stupid fault.
I've got 29,300 on my XB9SX. At 26200 this April I had the fuel pump die, but other than that just a couple headlamps, two sets of tires every year, and the normal maintenance stuff my bikes been great.[up][cool]
Thank you for this thread so I have a place to

I picked up my '03 XB9R used with only 4800Kms (2982 miles)on it this summer. Since June, I have managed to put another 13000Kms (8077 miles) as well as:

Rebuilt leaking front fork;

Clutch cable (adjuster broke I think it was just rotten from sitting I actually left out some stuff like this from the list that may have come from poor storage);

Replaced wheel bearings (came apart while riding);

Replaced blown Voltage regulator;

Replaced the battery (Harley OEM after the VR) , twice;

Traced and fixed ground short;

Replaced and reset Throttle Position Sensor (including getting and learning ECM SPY;

Spark plugs changed and gaped (they were burnt down to almost no post left);

Had to re-install the alarm twice due to shorting( to be fair that's not totally Harley's fault, vibrations wore the harness);
Replaced Neutral position switch)

Starter has just blown (That'll be a winter project);

Replaced light bulbs, blown a dozen fuses etc.

Not to mention all the regular maintenance, Tires (by the way I got over 10,000kms on Micheline Road Pilot 3 so far with room to spare) Filters, Amsoil, Custom paint , parts and motor work and general TLC.

I fit this bike (I'm short) and it satisfies my need for unique things and neat gadgets (I'm a Geek). Drives me nuts though, and costs me a fortune (I could have bought a nice used BMW for what I've spent on this Bike - which would have afforded me a greater measure of reliability) This bike is just so damn cool. For those reasons and others I still love it... even today when I'm forced to stay home from what may be the last possible road trip before winter(due to dead starter). Hard to live with it, can't imagine myself riding much else.

Perhaps this is somewhat how abused spouses feel...
(I'm sorry to anyone I may have offended with that comment)
All the rules and 1 clutch cable on my 03' bolt. My patience with the 1125r or rather Harley's interest in my stator issues after buell fell broke my patience. And so far on my scg just a burnt jardine can that was probably burnt when I got it I just was to excited about a new bike to notice for a few months
Picked up my 08 xb9sx this past March with 8000 miles on it and have since put on over 4000 miles more. The day I got it, I replaced the tail light bulb and low beam bulb. A few weeks later I replaced the low beam again and checked the voltage regulator, which I replaced, and haven't blown any more bulbs since. A few months later, I blew the fuse for the fan, swapped in a new one, that blew too. Pulled out the fan and checked it on a battery, as soon as heated up, it would seize and pop the fuse. Replaced the fan. About a month ago, I pulled in the clutch lever and it did nothing. Pulled off the inspection cover to find the lip for the clutch ramp broke off. Instead of buying a new primary cover I made a plate and bolted it to the back side of the primary, so far so good. Seems like the rear cylinder rocker box gasket has a small leak which I will replace some time this winter when the snow keeps me from riding. Other than that, I love my Buell :D
Other then stuff from crashing...

Battery terminal kept coming loose on the xb

on the CR (One had tranny problems so i sold right when i got it)

Current CR, ive replaced the clutch cylinder. Easy enough, still need to make the video for it!
2006 XB12Ss bought it with ~7000 miles on it and have put another ~18000 miles on it.

Fork seal was leaking when I bought it, previous owner thought you had to bottom out the forks when strapping the bike down.
Snapped a belt at 15000 miles
Repaired fuel pump wires at 16000miles
Low beam bulb replaced at 16500 miles
Replaced junk Harley plugs with NGKs at 18000
Replaced worn out hand grips at 20,000
Other then that it's just been general maintenance, checking for loose bolts (couple here and there) and replacing tires.

Been very happy with the way my bike has treated me and I'm not even very nice to it. Been caught in the rain more times then I'd care to, temps have been from 30* to 100*, altitude goes from 6000ft to 11000ft, and I've gone through 5 rear tires and 3 front tires just this summer.
2007 XB12SS

fried ECU, replaced with EBR standard ECM $528NZD shiped

replaced wireing harness that fried my ECM, rewired regulator, 12 hours work $680NZD

total = $1208NZD

'03 XB9S with 20k miles. They only problem i had was the idle cable snapping after it got hung up somewhere and i over torqued it. I bought the part for 9$ from my local HD Stealership, replaced it in about 10min. My plugs were pretty gnarly when i changed to some iridiums. The bike actually ran pretty rough when i got it, so i remapped the ECU to the "race tune" on ECMspy, and it solved all my problems. I bought it last april from the dealer with 15k miles for 3,400$. They said they pulled it all apart to check all the internals, and i actually believe them. They have a workshop about the size of your average Jiffy Lube where they tear apart all the new bikes for a "road inspection" before sale. The bike was originally 3500$, plus 400$ for the 'road inspection' fee so after dealer fees, i was looking at over 4k. I got it out the door with everything for 3600$. I didn't even have to blow any of the wierdos there to get that price removed! I think i'd take dealer sales over private sales any day, because i put 6k miles on the bike in the first year of ownership and i really had virtually zero problems.

i did have a 2000 Blast too however, that the rocker box gasket blew at 2k miles on. I ruined an 80$ pair of jeans and 100$ pair of shoes because of that. Putting a new gasket on was super boring and tedious, but very simple. I just pissed my neighbors off by blasting clutch for 6 straight hours and slamming a case of beer. That bike was actually pretty fun. i missed its size and easy to maneuver abilities, but my XB9 actually gets better gas mileage, and can outperform the blast in every category, except MAYBE braking.

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