How not to get your bike stolen

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6 foot cable w/ master lock through frame back tire and swing arm. when a pole presents itself there's even more security(i always lock forks). but i only take the cable when i might park in danger, cuz its a pain lugging it around on a naked bike. At home i use cable locke in locked garage with car parked in front of door...........and Smith and Wesson,Kel-tec,Remington,etc. etc.
I purchased underground parking at my college and we have campus security that watches the entrance 24/7

we also have free outdoors parking with 24/7 surveillance and patrolling cars, never heard of anyone having anything stolen off campus

but when I'm at home my parents keep a spot right next to my Dad's Yamaha saved for me

even still, I'm very close to getting LoJack installed on my bikes for when I'm in the questionable parts of Milwaukee

I never leave my bike alone for more than a couple hours unless I've got it in one of my storage locations

in addition to all this, I've got full coverage on my Buells anyway haha
It doesnt make any sence why someone wouldnt use the fork lock. I lock it always no matter how long the bike is sitting or how far from it I am.

Not only is it a determent for thieves, but it also makes it harder for the bike to get knocked over.

Other than that, an alarm system and full coverage.:D[confused][mad]
I'm with thaloc...I live in Seattle too...also keep bike in house. Two knee caps for sympathy for that kind of stupidness.
I've given this a bit of thought since I posted. We had crackhouse move into the neighbourhood a few years ago. Got a TON of help from the local police getting rid of them. They helped set up a neighbourhood watch program. Apparently one of the best things to do in your driveway is a big ass light. I have a 500 watt halogene on top of my shed, I can read in my driveway at midnight. Low life thieving **** bags apparently work best in the dark. Never had a problem. Mine's still locked and hidden though. Wayne
Private garage at night, GLOCK 40s&w during day time riding and parking the bike so I can keep an eye on her... but the full coverage doesnt hurt either
I have a big logo on my Bike that says, "Buell".
That's enuf of a deterrent in my neck-o-the-woods...


Special K!
Central Texas Hill Country Hellbuellies
"I'm a Hellbuelly! What the hell are you?"

"I feel sorry for people who don't ride Buells. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

~Frank S1inatra
Back yard locked 6 foot wood fence and a 85 pound Lab that is highly trained to alert me. And Geico theft coverage just in case.
mine kept in my garage along with other 2 vehicles, also installed 2-way paging alarm system, while it parked at work I covered it up, alarm armed and cable locked front wheel to steel post into ground, i know my bike is on full coverage but want to keep bike until im 6ft under...:D
Sorry but even in the Aloha State there are idiots that make bikes disappear.I strongly belive and use very well in Chinese built 762 AK47.One in the eye is the correct way to reduce these problems and send a message....
Yep, keep the steering locked always, and keep it in my living room. If a locked house and bike isn't enough, my Mossberg 500 is always loaded and handy. I'd hate to be the guy that breaks into my house.[up]
I park my bike in a stall parallel to a wall, then I park my car in front of it, so the only way the bike could get stolen is if my car was stolen too. It's worked out ok I guess.

i actually heard a story of a guy that had his bike stolen this way in a parking garage. Car was there bike was gone i would think it would be impossible to steal it but i guess if you want it bad enough