How would a straight pipe sound?

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that buell sounded like was severly SICK WITH THE EBOLA VIRUS , no it didnt sound like a harley or hot rod , sounded like Shiiittt. only sounded a 1/4 decent when accelerating , but way out of tune .
hell a harley stock or custom or any aftermarket (harley) pipe sounds a hell of alot BETTER , IMO....

a jardine or d&d sound alot better in the youtube vids, and the buell race pipe sounds great if you want a great rumble and loud but not extremely loud or deafening sound but a very good V-Twin deep throaty rumble sound the race pipe is the way to go.
I wish I could afford a race pipe for this build. I am n a budget. I'll just have to make do with this Jardine. I think I will just weld a cool oversized tip on it.
My 12 has a gutted exhaust. Guy I bought the bike from was a custom chopper builder; he cut open the can and ran a straight through. I haven't cut it open to see for sure what he did. All I know is the tail piece he welded on makes it a b*tch to torque up the swing arm plug without a crows foot. I've been looking at options for the pipe, because I'm worried about running too lean. I put a uni foam filter in it hoping it would restrict the air flow a little in the meanwhile and tilt it a little back towards less lean side. Gave it a little more pickup on the low end and reduced some heat but I know its not enough. I have to contact theoctopus and get a tuning session going soon. I like the sound, but not more than riding. I just grabbed a stock 12 off of buellster in case I can't figure something out.
Haven't done any tuning yet. The reset was done before the foam filter switch but not after. I don't want to touch the ecm or the maps till I know what I am doing so I don't do something I can't undo.
10-4. There are threads for that on this Forum. Pretty easy actually. Please let me know your results. I may do some custom dual straight pipes If I can tune them accordingly and not lose much low end.
Granted we're not tuning for fuel economy, but I think you'll notice some drop off in your mileage. I'm noticing some with my setup. It doesn't chew up gas like my jeep but the lack of reserve has made me a little more conscious of how fast it goes. Especially now with the gas prices in nyc.
Right, the packing:

The packing is there to provide surface area to attenuate (absorb) the noise comming out of your motor. Noise = wasted energy. Some people put a restrictor plate at the exit of the exhaust to deaden sound, which works, but only b/c it restricts flow at the vena contracta. (the restriction point) The more surface area used the more gradual the attenuation and the flow is still maintained. Surface area works better than restriction. No baffle or open exhaust works with high, high revving engines. Poor low end performance, great high, high, pushing the limit performance. The roughness of the short exhaust pipe is enough to convert the little sound energy (at that high work load) worth scavenging into power.
OK...I am curious how this will sound. E-bay item # 110532500349 Its cheap and stainless. I think I will try an experiment. If its to obnoxious I could pack it some how. It will fit right into my Jardine front pipe. My buddie is tight with ebr shop guys and I will try to get a map for it if it sounds good. Just having fun with sound ;) Thanks for the input dudes
Sheesh. Have you lived in NY all your life?
Yup. Born and raised. Too many lights, stop signs and police. Thinking about getting out though. The politicians only getting dumber and more crooked and the Taxes, tolls and everything else keep getting more expensive. The only time I can get some decent riding in is when I head out to Oak beach(Long island) or Upstate. I just thank god, I haven't run into one of those stupid bike only checkpoints where some ******* measures your turn signals, exhaust noise level, etc.

Though most the cops I have passed so far have either given me a puzzled look and a "what is that thing?" when they hear the exhaust, look up and see a sport bike or have been relatively cool, asked questions or slip in warnings with a horror story here and there... "It's a nice bike don't wreck it, we had this guy...You should have seen...." Other cops just tail me on the highway like they are waiting for me to take off or deliberately start breaking laws or something... they eventually back off as I approach a bridge. (maybe jurisdiction thing?)
Yeah. New york is very busy. Take a break. Move to Wisconsin For a while. People are friendly, lots of scenic riding and much much more.
Wisconsin? Even though I have always called it the Serial killer state (Gein,dahmer,Spanbauer,Ellis), I bet the riding there is great and the weather would be hockey friendly.

I spent a summer upstate in Lake George,NY once. The first 3 weeks were good, then all the quiet started to get maddening and I have a inherited hearing loss. I guess I have grown accustomed to the buzz from the city. What are the taxes and cost of living like out there?
I have always called it the Serial killer state

LOL! We pay $840 a month for a 2 level 3brm. house near the lake. Sales tax is %5.5. Cost of living is waaaaay better then N.Y. Plus we have a new freeway system. I would say we are 1 tenth as congested as N.Y.

Also...There are no serial killers at large either A.T.M.

SO her is my Jardine Mod. Its simple yet it kicks ass! I will post pics of it welded up and on the bike in a few days.

Cost of living is definitely more budget friendly than NYC. You can get a studio for that price in the city. I lucked out with 6 rooms for 6 hundred because my family owns the house.
Whoa, You'll definitely draw attention with that pipe. You going to have any clearance problems with that? i.e. oil drain plug, ground (we have lost of speed bumps in Nyc),rear tire? How easy will it be for you service it, don't Jardines have to be repacked occasionally?

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