i call b.s.!!!!!!

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I'll throw this out there. I have used a few different plugs on my Blast including the Denso Iridium Racing and NGK Iridium. I have never gone out of my way to replace my Denso plug, but it does not perform well compared to other plugs. My suspicion is bad plug. Many other Blast riders have great things to say about it.

So, personal experience has been negative, reviews have been positive. Based on the people I've experienced and know that use them I'm guessing I have a bad plug.
Enlighten us, oh wise one.
Two of those three links are marketing from manufacturers & suppliers; exactly the kind of biased sources I was referring to.

All the links explain the importance of properly gapping your plugs, which is exactly what I suggested the OP do until you insisted that was incorrect.

Anyway Jet, sorry to have upset you. I'm not into pissing matches with trolls so it'll be my pleasure to unsubscribe from this thread. 

Good luck to the OP!
When you find yourself reading 40 plus pages of hardcore spark plug research in a quest to maximize performance from a Blast then you may want to take some advice and just trade up to a better performing bike. It's just not worth all the wasted time trying to squeeze another half horsepower on an already slow bike. Just my two cents.
all of this clever banter.... race plugs are not suitable for the street period. reading plugs and truly understanding ignition tuning can not be learned by reading a manual, it takes expierence.
I raced motocross for years, and track tuned on a weekly basis reading plugs.... I don't know a fraction of what some of the guys I know do.
run plugs designed for the street, is not a function of horsepower, but instead conditions and abuse.
Anyway Jet, sorry to have upset you. I'm not into pissing matches with trolls so it'll be my pleasure to unsubscribe from this thread.
I'm not here for arguing, trolling or popularity. I'm here to provide answers for issues and troubleshooting. When you call me out, I give proof. If you don't like it or can't hang, don't let the door hit you...

When you find yourself reading 40 plus pages of hardcore spark plug research in a quest to maximize performance from a Blast then you may want to take some advice and just trade up to a better performing bike.  It's just not worth all the wasted time trying to squeeze another half horsepower on an already slow bike.  Just my two cents.
Believe it or not, some people actually build engines as a hobby and this kind of stuff is second nature, myself included. I'm currently building a Turbo 12a P-Port, but I don't expect you to know what that is without using Google. The Blast is an easy and fun toy to tool around on.

Racing plugs are perfectly useable on the street. However, most people can't justify the expense of racing plugs when "good" plugs work for 1/3 the cost. On a Blast, we have one plug, so it's easier to swallow $35 instead of $70 or $140 and use the premium product.

As usual you're a moron.
There's a few. Here's a hint; they're the ones not supporting their arguments with scientific fact.
Splitting hairs son, splitting pubes to be precise. 
No, you're just making excuses for being wrong. But if you insist on the pubes reference, your wife said your bald nuggets were an embarrassment so I was trying to help out a fellow Bueller. ;)
Are you saying you are bald and have a pimped out blast? I feel for you, I really do.
The epitome of modern edginess with a touch of "tough guy" thrown in for Good measure.
Wow...just wow. Even third grade vocabulary is lost on you.

Sit down before you hurt yourself. Maybe put on your helmet; not the riding one, your "special" helmet.
I still want to know where the *** you buy a 35$ plug???
I know guys running sub 9 second quarters (cars not bikes) that run crappy 3$ autolite plugs... so, tell me again how u justify 35$ / plug....
I'm sure somewhere along the line you have had some expierence that led you to believe that if it says racing or is the most expensive it is better for all applications. my expierence and that of many friends and family in the racing industry says that is not always the case.
I  still want to know where the *** you buy a 35$  plug???

At the heart of these plugs is the world's smallest center electrode, it is only 0.4mm in diameter. This is possible because while Iridium conducts electricity better than platinum, it is also 6x harder and 8x stronger than platinum. This ultra-fine iridium center electrode provides superior ignition performance by more efficiently using the ignition voltage to create a stronger, larger, flash front or spark. Thus you obtain more efficient burning of the air/fuel mixture and more horsepower. Because of the strength and hardness of the iridium center electrode and the fine wire(0.8mm) platinum ground electrode, these plugs are almost impervious to wear even under extreme driving or racing conditions.

says that is not always] the case.
You said it yourself. While your family may be content spending $3 for throw-away spark plugs, some people aren't.

On a proper running Blast, a difference can be felt by simply changing from an OEM-spec plug to the Denso racing.

If you don't like it, don't ******* buy it. You're as bad as the jap bikes dogging on Buell's simply because of what they've heard or read. If you haven't tried it, SHUT THE **** UP AND SIT DOWN.
No, I am just content winning races. lol.
and we all know racing is about cubic dollars...
no need to get your panties in a bunch. I see a 33$ plug the same as a 15$ quart of oil. not worth the added cost when ur measuring in seconds/dollar.
this is just my opinion, and I'm not standing here calling you an idiot because you can "feel"
the difference a spark plug makes on a machine that puts maybe 25 hp to the ground and weighs 370lbs. so please, don't yell at me, it hurts my feelings.
Apparently it's not you that's winning, but guys you know. ****, I know guys that hold land speed records on Harley's and Buell's, some that run 8's in the quarter in a turbo Civic...does that matter here? Not one ******' bit.

A $3 plug may work best in your guys' engines...however, experience with Blast engines has been that the $35 plug is a worthy investment. There have been bad plugs along the way, that Denso replaced for free.

Now, until you're familiar with a Blast engine and have actually spent time working with them to see what works best and what doesn't...kindly shut the **** up.
I am very familiar with the Blast engine, it's exactly HALF of the one that's in my xb12. lol.