I came aross a Buell Helmet on Ebay

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Seems expnsive to me. I saw one on cl here in tx for around 100 $. But id still like to have it.
Yeah, I offer him $99.00 (Free Shipping),

He declined, and said he has an offer of $175.00,, Plus its a Modular, can't try it own, WOW !!

Yea, foreigners will pay a crapload for this stuff.
I've been accused of having high prices on my stuff, but I know how much people will pay if I put it out there.
I would think the manufacture date may be outside of the 5 years one should safely use a helmet. Are the AGV helmets like the harley ones?
I have that exact helmet in a size small I'd like to sell. It's the same helmet ate the HJC Symax. It is in pretty good used condition. I'd do $110+$10 shipping to mainland 48 states.