I freaking dropped it [mad]

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I have only dropped the 1125 once.. pretty embarassing. I had my girlfriend on the back and I came to a stop. she leaned a bit further than I was balanced for, and when I squeezed the brakes the extra weight made the bike tip before I could get my foot down to stop it.
i found out my bike can second as a catapult when my front tire locked up at 20mph when an SUV stood on its nose to make that last second turn into kroger... women cager drivers
I did it with my bolt too a long time ago. After a 60 mile ride pulled into this awesome state park, kicked the stand down (Almost all the way) got off and over she went. Didn't crush leg or any thing and the only damage was my clutch lever curled into a semi circle. Sure sucked two finger pulling on the return ride.
Never dropped any of my bikes but have left the stand down before, hopefully have learned because Buell doesn's have that safety feature!
The buell's do have that safety feature it is required by law. most have had it deactivated b/c the kickstand, clutch lever or neutral switch goes bad. Mine the the clutch lever switch went bad, I was only able to start in neutral, I shorted the terminal on the switch, and then the bike will start in any gear, but bypasses the kickstand switch and will move with the kickstand down.
And yes I have done that also, freaking scary the first time, now I remember to check it as I roll away.
i guess i am the odd man out here. i have never dropped any of the bikes i have had. i guess i have always double, sometimes triple checked and i am always aware of the type of ground i am putting the kickstand on. i am not a real trusting guy; especially if we are talking about trusting myself!
Sorry to hear that man, hope you're fine and bike is fixable easily.

I almost dropped my xb yesterday... front wheel slipped on some oil patch or gravel while turning but luckily I was able to save my ass prepping the bike with my right leg, twisted the throttle and it got right back up. Pure luck... I was scared sh#tless and almost hit the car in front of me. I came back to the garage right away and parked it. Said to myself today it's not my day to ride.
About dropped mine couple months ago because they dont go in the snow just so every body knows
Thanks for the replies, it helps to know Im not the only clumbsy person out there. I didnt physically get hurt at all just my pride. When I had my spranged ankle I didnt ride for two months, only one of which I was on crutches.
Yeah man it happens to the best of us... I dumped my old bike a few years ago coming out of a turn i've taken the most and took for granted... my driveway... Thats what i get for not assuming a light dusting of gravel.
A buddy of mine pulled up to a conveniance store, got off, and the bike stayed balanced on the tires, just long enough for him to step on the curb torward the store. He realized his mistake and turned in time to see it fall.
I almost layed my Virago over making a U-turn in a space big enough for a Semi to U-turn! I had too much speed, and was lucky enough to straighten the bars and stab the ground with my foot to rebalance it, and finish the turn.