I got a Youtube show now..

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Orlando Florida
I got a youtube show if you guys want to subscribe, next episode will be up in a few hours I think. The topic is the "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s and getting your Judas Priest posters torn up by your dikkhead stepdad! ha ha

This one here is about "The Entity" case and weird stuff about "The Shining"

...you mean those big ass DDD jugs? ha ha 190453_10201142250542604_1364622829_n.jpg
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ha ha awesome... listen to the show , you should enjoy it.. the upcoming one is actually better I think.. the satanic panic gave us a lot more ammo for the show. we are just doing the slideshow for it now, should be out tomorrow night.... please sub that youtube, trying to get the numbers up. we got accepted to on a good podcast network that will be sending subs our way over the next few weeks but we need all the numbers we can get.. its gonna be a good show, we got a lot of cool **** coming, guests and stuff.
first guest I got lined up is a hilarious character with balls of solid steel who has been in a psychological war against a powerful and dangerous cult for the past 10 years.. you guys will love it. I got him lined up and ready to go.

if you guys want us to investigate any weird topic I will consider the suggestions.
Ahhhh Cooter, you been drinking or just suffering from a hormonal imbalance?
That's Gloomshadow you meant to reference as the goth Prince of strange.
That's really funny, I edited my post before I read the responses:eagerness: You guys were totally right:angel:, my neighbor came over with some Marshal Zhokovs:topsy_turvy:

I had no idea what I was doing:black_eyed:
Very interesting show Tom, thanks for the pics of Jenny, You and Jenny and your guests should host the show rather than just talking behind the clip, JMO, but otherwise nice "strange" job!

we considered that but to do that correctly it triples the amount of work you have to do and slows production time vastly.. then it kind of limits the show in some ways.. the main action is actually the podcast, not the youtube show so it would end up being too much work for limited reward.
Gloomy 's a friggin movie star now! What's the world coming to!:applause: Good for you Tom and hope you have fun with it.
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yeah man thanks.. please subscribe to the channel, enjoy and comment.. if you guys come up with a good show subject that I can do I will use it..

"Satanic Panic" episode should be up tonight some time.
Tom I'm definitely gonna check it out when I have 67 mins of spare time. Hopefully Sunday, looks bitchin man.........

this one I got coming up in a few is even better, remember the Satanic Panic of the 80s?.. ha ha yeah we have fun with that one..

then I got my interview of the guy fighting a cult for the past 10 years but I'm not gonna spill the beans on that one yet.

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