I got brake checked today...lesson learned!!

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
So I was in the left turn lane behind a small SUV...the light turned green, the SUV started to go and then I started to go...Well, this knucklehead was attempting to make a U-turn and I was going to continue thru the turn...when all of the sudden the SUV slams on the brakes mid turn. Because of it being a turn all vehicle were in pretty close proximity...so I tried to swerve right (but had no room to move) and I got hard on my front brake. I basically did a stoppie into the right rear of this SUV...I clipped the rear tail light with my left handle bar and smacked my left shoulder and chest in the right rear pillar...all while being on the front wheel only. Fortunately I never dropped the bike and stayed in "relative" control of my bike...my heart dropped when I saw plastic and my rear view mirror laying in the street. Here's the kicker...the SUV just drove off, never stopping to see if I was ok...granted it would appear to be my fault (I would argue my case)...but the driver never apologized...Just drove away!!! Well, I sat through the light again and realized none of the plastic was mine...the only thing I lost was my bar end mirror. So I thought well hell, serves em right for doin that **** in traffic like that...I think it was a Lexus, I must have destroyed the rear tail light!!!

Lesson learned: I will be waiting a few seconds longer to proceed through a turn or even just taking off behind a car at a light!!! And I thought I had already given him enough room...I guess not!!!

At least the witnesses in other cars were on my side!! But the driver didn't stop...so I didn't stop! I bought new mirrors and called it a day!
Chalk it up to experience and God's great fortune no one including yourself was hurt. Safe journeys to you always. :)

thnx 4 sharing
Glad you and the bike are ok. Every time I step a leg over, I ask God to keep me safe.
Yeah see i hate that. But being honest us riders are alot closer to vehicles then other vehicles are to themselves. Meaning that we can see exactly how far we are so we feel comfortable being alittle closer.

I have break checked many people, never any motorcyclist. But i do not break check in traffic cause youre suppose to be close then! So **** that guy. Glad you are ok!
You have to remember one thing every time you head out the door. The driving gene pool is definately depleting.

Most states have gone on the cheap and don't have driver's training, so most drivers have what they picked up on their own, or limited from parents.

Rules of the road are a loss to most, so be careful out there.
i always ride under the assumption that i'm invisible.

helps me position myself in traffic situations, which i rarely get into due to the nature of how and when i ride my bike....

it's just a mindset more than anything, but it works for me...

be careful out there guys....
Glad you're alright man. Had a close call today, SUV wanted to share the same lane. Ended up going over into the shoulder and giving the driver a f*cking earful. People are idiots behind the wheel.
What's the odds of another maroon suv pulling out right in front of me today...possibly same make and model? LOL WTF!! I saw it coming and had plenty of time to switch lanes and motor past her...LOL I swear I should get a goPro and film everyday riding in Vegas...F***in IDIOT Drivers!!! And nothing pisses me off more than people who flip their cigarettes out of the window when I am behind them on the road! Borderline Road Rage!! HAHA And I rode very conservative today...meaning, I actually went the speed limit :D