i hit a turkey

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May 5, 2009
the anothe night i was about a half mile from home and i was going a little faster than i probabley should have, when all the sudden my exhaust must have frightened a group of turkeys and they flew out in front of me. i hit only one doing about 65mph, it hit the windshield of my xb9r and then rolled up and hit my face and riped my visor off. i didnt crash, but scared the **** out of me. ****** gobbles.
I don't get it.......first you say you hit a turkey (animal abuser), then you say it hit you.[confused]

What kind of relationship are you in?:eek:

Good news though, you didn't go down.[up]

You might want to give those under-roos a good wash'n;)
Bummer. Well, at least you're okay. Worst meeting so far with an animal I've had, I was full lean in a 90 and ran over a rabbit that bolted out. Bounced off road and low-sided into a grass field. Busted a few birds too, but I worry about deer. Guess that's the trade-off of the great twisty country roads around me. [smirk]
awww I can imagine how you must feel towards them. two weeks ago I was on my way to work and about a half mile away from there I noticed somethin in the corner of my eyes dashing from the woods onto the road. sure enough it was a dumb wild turkey. I was going about 60-65 mph and had to apply my brakes slowly so my wheels wouldnt lock. damn bird made my heart skip a beat. [mad]
Yeah that's horrible. For the turkey of course. We have to remember we're in their backwoods. But glad you ALL(riders listed above) are okay.

Cheers to better/safer days
Driving home the other day I was pretty relaxed, mind was off in never never land when a moose jumped out of the woods and ran along side. I instantaneously swerved into the lane, luckily there was no traffic.

Simple math: Me + bike = 650lbs.
full grown bull moose = 1200lbs.

1200 - 650 = sucks to be me.