I hope everyone is ok?

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I'm good here in Illinois. Where I live we got around 4 inches. Which is nothing for us. That Strom hit Tuesday night. The east coast is getting what we got.
Tone, thanks for your concern, calling for 12" here starting after midnight , I'm about 1 hour north of Philly. Ill be hiding in the garage all weekend! :)
Thanks Tone! Everything is good here in North Kackalacky. We've gotten about two inches of snow mixed with freezing rain and the whole state is debilitated! This nothing compared to what I grew up with in western NY! However, NC doesn't have the same budget/preparation for this type of adverse weather. So things go south real quick. No pun intended!
Thanks everyone above^^^ for letting me know you are all ok and i hope everyone else is too? it sounds like its going to get pretty heavy duty for anyone that gets the "mother load" so stay warm and travel safe ok! I think of you all now as the American branch of my family!! and on the plus side it could be a great photo opportunity for the 2017 calendar for some of you!!
Yeah been snowing since about 11 here in the Fredericksburg area of VA. We're making out ok so far probably at about 3" of snowfall, and still with electricity for now.
My work shut down till Sunday afternoon. I got the word at noon. Five beers later and I love NC!!!!!!!
I still hate cold weather and snow.
But love getting paid to sit home and drink beer.
My work shut down till Sunday afternoon. I got the word at noon. Five beers later and I love NC!!!!!!!
I still hate cold weather and snow.
But love getting paid to sit home and drink beer.

Nothing wrong with that, we bought a handle of Captain knowing it was coming hahaha.
does anyone know how long the storm is meant to last? our news channels keep saying the amount of snow could be record breaking so a good time to have a skidoo! and chickn at least you have no problems keeping those beers cold!
One thing I love about this weather is that it gives me an opportunity to teach my stepsons a thing or two about driving in snow/ice. I take them out and purposely make them fishtail and learn how to control a skid if they come into a turn too hot. The roads in NC suck but most drivers here are even worse since they avoid driving in heavy rain let alone snow. I'm also very lucky that my old GMC envoy is a beast when it comes to inclimate weather.
Anyway, had a lot of fun with my boys today showing them the different handling characteristics of a 2wd vehicle compared to a 4wd.
My youngest stepson did great. Didn't let the 4wd get him over confident and left great following and braking distance. My older stepson was better at controlling a fishtail but over confident in 4wd and over shot a few turns.
Good training for these southern boys.
And this was all prior to me drinking!
I will be out at 6:00pm tonight snow plowing till it stops on Sunday. What a great life I have:sorrow: so if you guys don't hear from me that is where I am. For those that don't have to be out in it STAY HOME IT MAKES IT EASY FOR US TO CLEAN UP THE STREETS.
BTW Tone what are you thinking a skidoo is for? Is that a brand name you're referencing? Cause the only skidoo I'm familiar with is a watercraft. Is there a snowmobile named a skidoo!?
Or Have I lived away from snow for so long that I'm clueless!?
True what RC said!
If you're tires barely passed inspection and you haven't replaced your wipers in years... ...stay home.
It'll all clear up in a day or so.