I hope everyone is ok?

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It shut down DC beltway on Wednesday. 1"... Took some of my co workers 3-7hrs to get home.

Right now the storm projectory shows NOvA/MD/DE/PA anywhere from 6-36" of snow...

It started about 2pm eastern & we have 2-4" now (this is the light part)
Gonna be fun. Haven't had this much in awhile!

Already cleaned 2 bikes, covered some & finished a couple beers. About to get the tractor & start clearing neighbors driveways for the first time.

Ready for football this weekend.
Left work in Philly at 1:00pm, got the shovels ready, all three trucks facing the right way, wipers up, in 4wd. Quad gassed up ready to rock and roll. Hope we dont lose power. Thanks Tone for checking in on us were supposed to get hammered. To the guys out plowing be careful, dont over do it w the shoveling and take your breaks, eat, and keep some coffee in ya and make it home safe.
Chickn i like the driving lesson idea thats brilliant! and have you seen what the mad scandinavians do with skidoos they tune the bollocks off them and then ride them across lakes!! as long as you hit it fast enough and keep the revs way up it stays afloat through the momentum! I like how you are all remaining so positive over there well done for that! and i hope you all get home safely too! and UMD man if you do get 36" imagine how deep the drifts will be!!
At work now till 3am just outside Philly, have to drive 35 miles north ... Hopefully no one else will be on the roads!!!
Thanks for starting this thread, Tone! Just the normal rain out here in Oregon. But, I've been through some big winter storms on the East Coast. Hope everyone stays safe and gets the chance to have some fun in the snow if it comes your direction! :up:
No any snow all the year round here in Seattle, the only snow area here is the mountains where I can do some snowboarding on weekend.
Just woke up, six am here in Jersey. It is flat out vicious here w no signs of stopping. I'm usually the guy who wants to go out because I know how to drive in the snow but I have no interest in leaving this house til this is all said and done. Hope everyone else is making out ok
20160123_115629.jpg Bailey and I on my useless in the snow 2wd ltz
CRAZY SNOW!!! 18 inches in Lehigh Valley now, calling for 24 inches!!! Hope that thing is 4X4 Wicked, thanks again for eveyones concern!!! Haven't seen this much snow at one time since 1996.
We're over a foot where I am in Virginia, my raptor won't start... Went venturing in the wife's WRX wagon last night though.
sitting here in CT waiting.... we have maybe a 1/2" on the ground. I woke this morning at 8am to nothing. Went out and mounted the snowblower on the tractor, fueled that and the sled.... and still waiting, haha. Windy and light flurries right now :(