I need more Horsepower

Buellxb Forum

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Buells handle well, there is no question about it. Own the corners is just a marketing slogan so no need to cry about it. Also, in 2005 Buell XB's were awarded 1st place by Bike Magazine in their best cornering bike award.

they got that award...BEST CORNERING BIKE... wow wee...thats like being a kid and someone giving you 25 cents and saying now get out of here
I know you are so wise and can never be wrong, but from what I posted above did you possibly make any connections? Probably not because all you seem to care about is being right and making a fool of yourself while doing so. Maybe that award and the fact that our bikes do handle very well (you would not know because you do not own a Buell. You just like to waste peoples time with ******** and uneducated opinion that you like to pass as fact) explains where "owns the corners" comes from?
I love my buell especially the way it handles but my goal is to smoke a 600 hundred with an AMERICAN TWIN. i love the new 1125 and plan on owning won but it's not a trew american power plant like a sporty motor. it can be done but hard to keep them reliable. nos with the right shot and confirmation from buell on what the motor can handle may be safe and chaep way to go. ;)
post 21 feb 14.05...in this thread...these post should have numbers..i understand you have to hold on to something i guess thats as good as any...what does owning a buell have to do with knowing motorcycles took a test ride that was enough for me...sure buells handle well like any small does does....what does owning a corner do for you....get out this is my corner...do you collect rent at that corner...is that where you win street races in the corner....90 percent of motorcycle owners have no clue how to get 100% out of a bike through a corner...and the 10 % who do know how to ride a corner will kick ass mo matter what bike there on ...what does this mean im going to bed goodnite its not a buell it a harley
Okay...well group those 10 percenters together and get them on some bikes and see what happens. Oh wait, the link I posted above they already did that. Our bikes handle good, get over it please. Stop posting your negative ******** on this forum. Go bug your inline buddies on their fourm and while you are at it go to the corner and get some grammar lessons please.

Also, the link I provided you with has plenty of numbers for you.

i know you like getting into discussions and you want to be the critical voice over here.

but why do you always have to get so personnal?!

if you don't have anything decent to say, just stfu and go ride your other brand motorcycle.
sorry about being personal ,,not my intent great group of guys here....few guys are some funny bastards from time to time ..yes oxygen your bike handles good ill try to get over it...
I'm pretty sure theirs a company that sell superchargers kits for the xb's..(or maybe not, if not get creative!!haha) I'm sure that would help power output.

But it looks like you have a good start already!

I was always told if you want your bike to go faster then invest in a few track days...

Good Luck!
hi, about big bore, i have one. What can i say. It is rising performance, top speed, acceleration etc. but bike start to be "not to ride". The torque and power is so big that it is difficult to have two wheel on the ground. Till 3 gear you need to fight with throttle. (it is like in motocross when you have cr 500 ). There is a lot to do with big bore, i change exhaust for remus, ecm, crankshafts, lifters, it is good to buy new heads and progressive springs. If you put this all you will have 140 - 145 hp. Is it worth? NO. It is better to invest in good tires sport shock and riding skill improvement.
140 145 hp wow theres that word again WOW,,thats over a 60 hp gain from stock...i assume our talking rear wheel hp also........i have no comment
I have two bikes an 06 ZX-10R and the Buell XB12s By far the buell is more fun around town (I like to jump things) and in tight twistys. The Ten is by far a faster machine,but on the roads its completly unuseable. I mean 110mph in first gear u never have the room to stop.... That said, I have no problems hanging with, and smoking the 600s, and most litre bikes on the buell in any situation except the open highway runs... Just keep her in the red and drive with your clutch. lack of power is not the issue its the slow building revs of the twin that hurts you.
I have a 05' XB9SX, Race ECM, Buell Race Exhaust, Custom airbox, & TFI. Yet with all the mods I've done to my bike, can never keep up with my others guys that all have japs on the highway (I DON'T DO SPEEDING EXCEEDING 105-160 MPH ON ANY ROAD, I LOVE MY LIFE MORE THAN MY BIKE). "BUT" while riding thru the canyons, well that's another story.

As for "maybebuell". If you do not have a buell, than why are you so passionate about your argumental discussion here in the "BUELL" forum pal?

Address the concerns as requested, if not go stir up issuse elsewhere buddy.
maybebuell no offense intended. Honestly it doesn't matter what kind of bike that any of us have, AS LONG AS WE ALL HAVE BIKES (we're family). I too am passionate about bikes. In my group of riders, I am actually the only guy riding a buell, kind've sucks sometime, but hey.

Ride safe, and think straight
*clarification point*

As long as we all have, had, or will have bikes.

Or just plain old respecting bikers while riding 4 wheels next to one.
only1... had all kinds of bikes started with metrics when younger...in the 80s all 1100 cc and up after about 9 metrics ... went to harleys for twenty years good friend owned a shop was a great mechanic... while everyone else was falling for all the hp ads in mags and at the harley shop ,buying high end performance parts.......i listened to my buddy and invested very little compared to what the other guys invested...well i got mine dynoed first and the results got out...all the hotshots with the big name parts figured wow if he got 90 hp we should be at 100 110...lol well few guy dynoed there bikes 72 74 hp...well you should of seen them squirm....everything from the dyno broke to there rear wheel was smoking on the dyno drum could not get grip lol ... funny they never wanted to race....bit i raced everyone and anybody....i wanted to see what worked and what didnt...so when i hear thing that i know are a waste of money i get a little jumpy......know i know why the old timers say nothing...because they know knowone is going to listen anyway ,, when it comes to hp you have to learn yourself...last harley i had and my buddy built had 112 hp and 127 tq rode that for 5 years,, he died and i sold the bike because without him to work on it it wasnt the same...and if you know harleys and ride them hard they always need work..thats my rant for the week ps could of ran a higher lift cam with a smaller duration and make closer to 118,,,120 hp...put would of lost 8 10 pounds of torque.. shocked the **** out of a lot of metrics....buell is a harley motor nothing new to making power on a 50 year old design

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